Fruit Picker and King's Reverse DDT

By guitalex2008, in UFS General Discussion

Is it me, or are these cards still amazing outside of the character combo? Here's what they look like without the character ability:

Fruit Picker
5/3 Attack 3H6 +1M

E Commit 1 foundation: This attack gets +2 speed.


King's Reverse DDT
6/2 Attack 2L8 +3M

E Commit 1 foundation: Your opponent draws 2 less cards during their next Draw Step. Only playable if your opponent's hand size is greater than yours.


Any other cards that you'd consider running in other characters? Phoenix Smasher still looks sexy.

Siegfried's earth divide

Raging gnome gui%C3%B1o.gif

And................... Descending dragon spear LOL

Bloodrunstrue said:

Raging gnome gui%C3%B1o.gif

guitalex2008 said:

Bloodrunstrue said:

Raging gnome gui%C3%B1o.gif

LOL @ 3L2

Better than Knight breaker, Piece of S---.


I think King's DDT is way overrated. Like 80% of the characters (maybe more) in this format are 6 hind sizes, so most of the time it's E is completly useless. I mean yeah it's still a 8 damage low throw, but it seems way overrated.

I agree with JDub. DDT is good damage, sure, but that is about it. There is no way to increase your opponent's handsize, without also increasing your own. This means that is it purely up to the opponent whether or not you get to use the ability, as most 7 HS characters will be siding in a 6HS character just for that reason.

Current 7 HS characters:

JJ, Tira, Hilde, Christie, Zi Mei, Padma, Cassandra, Kisheri

And probably 1 other that I am forgetting.

Of these characters, one is not yet legal, one is a champ card, and 2 are promo. The rest see decent representation, except for maybe Christie. This is out of more than 30 characters avalible, or soon avalible. The rest are 6HS. DDT is rarely going to be able to show off its hand control. More than likely, the best hand control King(or his support) can offer is a mix between Keeping Them Down and Clutch-Twist off Void.


Tinman said:

I agree with JDub. DDT is good damage, sure, but that is about it. There is no way to increase your opponent's handsize, without also increasing your own. This means that is it purely up to the opponent whether or not you get to use the ability, as most 7 HS characters will be siding in a 6HS character just for that reason.

Current 7 HS characters:

JJ, Tira, Hilde, Christie, Zi Mei, Padma, Cassandra, Kisheri

And probably 1 other that I am forgetting.

Of these characters, one is not yet legal, one is a champ card, and 2 are promo. The rest see decent representation, except for maybe Christie. This is out of more than 30 characters avalible, or soon avalible. The rest are 6HS. DDT is rarely going to be able to show off its hand control. More than likely, the best hand control King(or his support) can offer is a mix between Keeping Them Down and Clutch-Twist off Void.


Forgot Jon Herr.

The DDT is a big throw without a huge diff, big throw+okay diff=decent card.

Also, against said 7 handersizers, it is ridiculous.

It is a mixture of both over-rated and under-rated at the same time, which is amusing.

itll be better once more 7 handsize characters come out but there just arent enough to make me want to run it right now

failed2k said:

It is a mixture of both over-rated and under-rated at the same time, which is amusing.

It's well-rated?

Seriously, in a throw deck, I'd consider packing it if not for the 2 CC. In a King deck, it goes in.

I use Phoenix Smasher in my Heihachi fire deck...

And that, ladies and gentleman, is why God created the sideboard.

I'm not going to maindeck DDT, but I'm sure as hell going to sideboard it.

Homme Chapeau said:

failed2k said:

It is a mixture of both over-rated and under-rated at the same time, which is amusing.

It's well-rated?

Seriously, in a throw deck, I'd consider packing it if not for the 2 CC. In a King deck, it goes in.

There are many problems with that statement. First off, the 7HS in the current environment aren't many. So BOTH E's are basically blank. Sure, 6/2 2L8 +3M throw is a good card. However, in a King deck it serves the same sort of purpose Sandstorm Throw would; it's a throw. Difference is that NONE of King's cards except for Ready to Launch can ever fetch the **** card. And for Ready to Launch you need to basically have a 14 damage throw to use it on so that it does at least 7 so you can get the 6 difficulty throw back.

And I don't know, but I haven't seen people incredibly thrilled with Ready to Launch.

A better lineup for King would be the Cobra Clutch/Twist, Sandstorm Throw, Flooded Nile Throw and MAYBE Crushing Embrace of the Jotun. That's a big maybe because Crushing doesn't have a block, although it does have a Desperation rating (of 4! no less, hello Jaguar Mask).

i have to agree with kings ddt being over rated but on the other hand fruit kicker is a pretty god attack in my opinnion causein mini bolck that attack combined with eisolene drosel is pretty F"ing goodcause then it turns in to a seven speed six damage attack.