Virago stealing keywords proved from enhancements

By DiscoReViVaL1, in Star Wars: The Card Game - Rules Questions

Dear awesome people

I've already asked my question on the cardgamedb forums but still a definite answer is missing. So I thought maybe the gods at FFG might shed some light on things.

The situation:

LS has Yoda + Makashi Training (giving Yoda targeted strike).


  • Can DS use Virago to steal targeted strike from Yoda?
  • If that is possible does Yoda even lose targeted strike? Since enhancements provide a constant effect to the enhanced unit (thus constantly pushing targeted strike on Yoda)?

Thanks in advance

Yep, you can steal Targeted Strike from Yoda (and he loses it if you do).

Basically, Makashi Training provides 1 instance of targeted strike, and then Virago applies -1 instance of targeted strike, resulting in Yoda having no targeted strike.

This has been officially confirmed previously in a different example (related to Edge from Hoth Operations).

Yep, you can steal Targeted Strike from Yoda (and he loses it if you do).

Basically, Makashi Training provides 1 instance of targeted strike, and then Virago applies -1 instance of targeted strike, resulting in Yoda having no targeted strike.

This has been officially confirmed previously in a different example (related to Edge from Hoth Operations).

Thank you for the clear reply. Looking at Virago as adding a -1 modifier solves a lot of issues.