I've seen a couple threads about incorporating the X Wing Miniature game as a substitute for starfighter battles, however none of them really address what I want.
My goal is to have a character conversion utility that basically allows you to port an RPG Character into an X Wing pilot. Such a tool would look at everything from their skills, talents, etc.
For example:
Every 2 green dice in Pilot (Space) equals +1 Pilot Skill in X Wing
Every 1 yellow die in Pilot (Space) also equals +1 Pilot Skill in X Wing.
Skills such as Astrogation, Mechanics, Computers, Discipline, Perception, Vigilance, Gunnery, etc, would all affect any number of things, from what ship could be piloted, to what actions could be taken, to available EPT slots, droids, sensors, etc.
My intent is to also do a similar conversion for the players for Armada. My goal is to have multi-scale encounters going on, all of which the heroes can partake in.
For example, one player might be leading an x wing squadron (and thus control the small ships in X Wing) that is protecting a Capital Ship(s), the battle for which is playing out on a nearby table of Armada by another player. Meanwhile, the YT-1300 attached to the X Wing squadron is trying to land on the ISD so a different group of heroes can board the ISD and make their way to the <plot device room>.