other format rulings

By comdieguy, in Rules Discussions

i was wondering if there was going to be an update on the other formats. i would really like to see new rulings for the player cards for neverland, what side the new worlds take in curse of the heartless, and maybe a ban list for colisum or just some verfied rules on card effects. if you have any ideas on rules for these post them and thank you

ya know...this is a really good question...

However, I'm not sure of how to go about finding out new rulings for these formats. I doubt FFG has even given a second thought to them and we've got our hands full with rules rewrites at the moment.

Good call bringing it up though, this could easily be next on our list of things to do and submit to Jaffer. ^_^

thank you dawn i have really been wanting to play anther format or at least put together deck ideas for the other formats

I agree...the other formats gave this game an interesting twist and I'd love to see those come back...

I'll work on it sir.

ill try to pool together some questions and scenrios for rulings and post them here for reveiw

I've nearly got the Raid format finished.

Just thought I'd throw that out ;]

raid? is that a new one.

first off i want to know what the abaitlys for the new level 3 sora's are the promo and the set one there both different then previous ones. what side are the new worlds on for curse of the heartless whic would be destiny island 2, twilght town 2-3, undred arce wood 1, port royal 1-2, timeless river 1. for colisum does hydra get the minus 5 if there is a hercules in play in an oppenents area but not that oppenents world, kingdom king how do you determine life lose against the players, and any card that declares opponent but that might be just a common sene question. more as i test for scenrios

this needs some attention i would like to start playing these and ruligs need to be made