Plz Help me... I suck at New UFS....

By Sir_SI, in UFS Deck Building

(1)* Tira *

Action (5)
[1] Gloomy Side 2/5 +2H
[1] Jolly Side 2/5 2L
[3] Soul Wave * 5/4 +2

Attack (14)
[4] Two Deadly Rings Techique 2/3 2/2M Stun 2 Breaker 2 +3M
[3] Midnight Launcher 4/3 7/3H
[4] Knight Breaker 5/3 5/3H +0H Combo mid, High
[3] Minuet Dance 6/2 5/3H Multiple 3, Tira Enhance

Assets (5)
[3] Path of the Master 2/5 +2 M
[1] Scroll of the Abyss
[1] Eiserne Drossel

Foundations (35)
[4] Cursed Blood 1/4 + 3L
[4] Treacherous Offspring 1/5
[3] Professional Bodygaurd 2/5
[4] Martial Arts Champion 2/4
[4] Perfect Sense of Balance 2/5
[4] Ka Technique +3M 2/5
[4] War Between Sister +3M 3/5
[4] Maniacal Laughter +3H
[4] Sworn to Protect

This is the deck I recently came up with, that I was goofing around with. It's fairly aggresive having simple combos like multiple midnight launchers and KB combo built in, and 8 cards to generate momentum for the Minuet Dance that comes in hot for the kill. The deck only runs 14 attacks, is there any death attacks that I may be missing or should be running or death combo's in missing? Should I be including wipe the floor or evil mist or leg slash? It has discard, blanking, some draw negation etc. and some forms of PotM destruction with scroll and soul wave and some basic death control cards. I don't seem to have trouble killing people, but damage pump is always appreicated.

The deck seems to die in the mid to late game to fire decks, and I was wondering if there was anything I could do to the deck that may help against fire, or should I just put this deck away and just play fire???

This deck does seem underwhelming when compared to the damage output I've seen the fire decks drop...

The only thing I can tell you is to use Ka Technique only as a defensive manor. Other then that you seem to have a solid deck. The attacks are tad low but if it works it works.

IMHO, you need it a bit more fuel. 16 attacks is the baseline minimum for a deck in Block 4 , especially with more conditional moves such as Knight Breaker , Menuett Dance , and Midnight Launcher . You might want another Mid attack to start up your combo sequence (I like Shockwave Palm , but they're kinda hard to get; Crushing Embrace of the Jotun works too). Apart from that, I think you're good. Flexible Body with G-Corp Leader for stuff you can't block, maybe?

On the vein of adding in attacks. Mid attacks are a good idea, so that you aren't waiting around for one attack to start things off. I would definitely say look into what was stated above. But, if you are looking to go for something off tilt a bit, look into either Lightning Uppercut or Ice Pick. Both URs, and character specific, I know, but they offer some good damage at high speed. Ice Pick can even be used so that you know how your opponent will check when they block. But that is just my 'For grits and shingles" approach.


I would look into cutting some of the more situational control for more solid broad control pieces.

Undisputed Ruler and Valued but not Trusted are both incredibly good against Fire decks and can let you run into the late game a little longer. Dead for a Thousand years also helps you deal with multiple broodings/standoffs/hungry for battles on the other side of the table late game(so playing more then 2-3 is not needed).

As a 7 handsizer you can really get a good tempo lead, so getting those control pieces that can shut down kill turns(undisputed and valued but not trusted are both great at this) and open you up for a return volley is key.

I think Martial arts champ is better off in the sideboard, or at least in 2-3 copies main, and Scroll from the Abyss is realllllyyy not very good, learned from experience.