The Badguy's Trades

By Sol Badguy, in UFS Trading

My Rules

1.Simulsend is prefered but I will follow ref rule if you insist.
2. I'll trade to anywhere if the trade is good.
3. I don't sell cards
4. I will check lists but don't tell me to do so unless you have at least 1 thing off my wants list.
5. I have lots of Legacy, 3point, and 4 point stuff just ask if interested.

Hall of Fame:

Hall of Shame:

Current Refs : +1


UR Attacks:

Blazing Fist x4
Law's Somersault Kick x1
Fruit Picker x1
King's Reverse DDT x1

Soul Caibur 4 :
Menuett Dance x3
Shredding Vibrato x5
Lightning Horn x2
Double Grounder Beta x2
Seigfried's Earth Divide x2
Alshain Najm x3
Hades x2
Hades Destroyer x1

Command the Sandstorm x1
Striking Thunder x2
Odin's Wrath x2
Rage of the Dragon x3
Twilight Embrace x1
Jotun's Fury x2
Mighty Knee Strike x1

UR Foundations:

Soul Caibur 4:
Challenge to Battle

Paying Respects to your Ancestors x2
Valued But not Trusted x2

UR Actions:

Soul Calbur 4:
Hunger for Souls x2
Corrupting Evil x1

Kneel Before Me x4

Destruction in his Wake x2
Toughest in the Universe x2
Proficient Sniper x1
Test of Strength x1

UR Assets:

Devil Gene x1
Designer Clothes x3
Jaguar Mask x2
Kazuya's Gloves x3
Paul's Gi x1

Soul Calibur 4:
Psuedo Soul Edge x2
Acheron & Nirvana x1
Soul Edge x1
Kulutues x1
Ice Coffin of the Sleeping Ancients x1
Sailor's Rest x1

Scroll of the Abyss x1
Monestary of Mount Lao x1
Valkynsverd x1

Promo Attacks:

Mark of the Beast x3
Close Throw x3

Promo Foundations:

Stand Off x4
Cursed Blood x3
Martial Arts Champion x3
Tower of Souls x1
Paid to Protect x1

Rare Characters:

Soul Calibur 4:
Tira x1
Hilde x1
Astaroth x2
Algol x1
Nightmare x1

Rashotep x1
Lu Chen x1
Temujin x1
Astrid x1
Yi Shan x2
Zi Mei x1
Ragnar x1

Christie Monteiro x1

Rare Attacks:

Flinging Half Nelson x2
Samba x2
Knee Thruster x1
Turn Thruster x1
Rolling Sabat x2

Soul Calibur 4:
Siren's Call x1

Fierce Twin Slash x2

Rare Foundations:

Searching for Family x3
Boxing is Life x3
Killer Android x1
The Entertainer x1
Need to Destroy x2

Soul Calibur 4:
Memories of the Stained Armor x2
Atoning for Wicked Deeds x1
Anger Towards a God x2
Temporary Being x4

Shadowar :
Calming the Mind x3
Bloodied but Unbowed x4
Atoning for the Past x2
Endless years of Practice x1
Dead for One Thousand Years x3

Rare Actions:

Ready for Launch x2
Overconfidence x1

Soul Calibur 4:
Aura of Strength x3
No Forgiveness x1
Immovable Object x1

The Dragon of Mt. Lao x1
Pillage x1
Ascending Zepher x2

Rare Assets:

Soul Calibur 4:
Eiserne Drossel x2
Gianzende Nova and Frischer Himmel x3
Psuedo Soul Calibur x2
Tower of Remembrance Degradation x1
Tower of Remembrance Spiral of Time x1

Ymirfang x2
Armor of the Forsaken One x1



Dragon's Flame x4(Highest)
Twilight Embrace x3(2nd Highest)
Knight Breaker x4


Tekken Forces x4
Two Deadly Rings Technique x4
Paid To Protect x7
Flexible Body x4


Stand Off x4
Midnight Launcher x4

yea ill do that me at [email protected] for details plz...thx

Did you get my emails?

Yes dakkon but unfortunatly I am already getting the Shadowar Promo.

I would however like to work out something for your Twilight Embrace x3 if Possible.

I have 2 midnight launchers and I am interested in 2 paying respect to your ansestors and 4 stand offs.


Hey would u trade 1x laws somersault kick for 1x paid to protect. lmk at [email protected]

looking for your 3x Menuett Dance and Blazing Fist. I have 2x King's DDT, 3x Midnight Launcher, 2x Paul's Gi, and 1 Law's Somersault Kick. Message me at [email protected] to see what we can work out.

List Updated and Wants Updated guys apperently it didn't save my edit last time.

Emailed you. Please contact me at earliest convenience.

Hey Sol. I need 1x Mighty Knee Strike, 2x Paying Respect to your Ancestors, 2x Toughest in the Universe, 1x Paid to Protect and 2x Bloodied yet Unbowed.

I have 3x Twilight Embrace and 2x Flexible Body. Hit me up at [email protected]