for those in the northern region of IL we have a weekly tournmant in rockford at robin's nest o east state street start time is 630 ut please show up early cause than we can start earlier. with the increase of players we will gt better prize support maybe even promos if we can swing it but thats only a maybe. enter fee is a dollar. starndarded format but if a the choice is made we can run the other formats. not truely picky but please obey the shop rules we like this place. and we have packs and more an be orderd. if you do show bring trades were always looking for stuff and we will trade kh for other tcg games. post here if your interested
those who know in IL
hey whats the address, I gotta print out directions
i hate to do this but right now the tournmants in the air cause of waterfront
to many people want to go to waterfront so tournment is canceled this week we hope to see you next week
well that kinda sucks, but in a way it's good as the deck I was going to bring would have been no fun for anyone and I'd rather make a better impression than that. I'm writing an article about the deck tonight so I don't suspect it'll be around the next time I come up.
yea i read it. dont scrap it and bring it with you next week and will see how it works. but till then we hope to see you at the next one and hopefully more people to.
ok ill be trying to post the adderess for robins nest this weekend so that people can come next week and join us in a tournment
so next friday i've got at least 2, maybe 3 rolling through.
well sweet that will put us at least 7-10 players so it will be interesting will make sure everyone plays new people. the adderess is 3925 E.state my cell number is 1- 815- 505- 3003 call me if you get lost or if you get there early like 5:30. dont buy out packs we do need some for prizes