Hi guys,
in an attempt of madness I created a strategy guide to SCTBG. Feel free to discuss it or contribute something to it!
Have fun!
Hi guys,
in an attempt of madness I created a strategy guide to SCTBG. Feel free to discuss it or contribute something to it!
Have fun!
Your section on the research order seems to imply that you get to shuffle every time you execute a research order. This is not the case you only shuffle if you buy a tech that shuffles into your combat deck.
Really? I thought it's shuffled every time.
Few thoughts about units:
They are described one after another, so I think you skipped / underestimated an important part of strategy: combining units .
Even with best units, you are screwed if you cannot provide them with enough combat / technology cards. That makes some units and their combinations less usefull than you could think after reading this quide.
For example:
Protoss faction is better than others in specializing some "line" of units (upgrading one kind of building to reach strongest units). Terrans, in opposite, should vary their armies as much as they can, because it's their strongest feature - very versatile combat cards and units. Playing Zerg without any flying units seems to be much harder than with them, because their ground units cannot match with those of other races without assist units and lots of research (excluding quite risky Lurker rush).
The worst combination of units i can imagine is, suprisingly (this works well in video game), Scouts + Dragoons, which share most of their cards. On the other hand, Terrans who will build only level 1 of each building may use nearly entire of their starting combat deck!
So that you MUST know your whole deck when you consider your future plans in each game. Deck is so vital that it may even lead your moves during each turn.
Units sharing cards is more an argument against using them together, isn't it? You're running out of cards much faster doing this.
Stefan said:
Units sharing cards is more an argument against using them together, isn't it? You're running out of cards much faster doing this.
Yes, that's why I wrote my previous post. This make you to use those units which have most cards in your remaining hand / deck. It's quite often that players lose battles more because of their cards in hand than due to price / amount of units.
That's right, I'll add that one.
Any ideas about good unit combinations? Or other strategies you want to have included?
I'll leave it to your imagination :-)
There are lots of them, but some are easier and harder to exploit in different contidions. If I ever wrote such strategy quide (for unit combinations), I would consider:
- if it is difficult and why,
- when it is reccomended and when it isn't.
Just as I mentioned before - generally:
- Protoss should "specialize": upgrade building and buy lots of additional cards for strongest units (Reavers, Carriers, Templars)
- Terrans should use different units and / or strenghten those who are dominating in their army with technology cards, IMO the most flexible faction,
- Zergs should beware of flying units (unless they build and / or upgrade own flying) and do lots of research, but very carefully (it's expensive, Zergs should avoid being outnumbered)
See also haslo's blog: www.haslo.ch/blog/starcraft-tbg-strategy-game-prelude/
Only few words more about heroes:
If I know I will use them later, I often use in game different type of units than hero is (just to be able to use efficiently more cards from my deck). That's especially usefull when playing Tassadar (who always has a hero), and the least usefull as playing Kerrigan.
I found your analysis of the leadership cards to be rather lacking. You dismiss some very powerful cards(conclave fleet, kerrigans z-axis one) and completely ignore the starting plastics that each provides. In some cases the plastics are more important than the abilities on the leadership cards. For instance a few of the zerg leadership cards start with two hydralisks wich allows for a lurker rush strategy on the first turn.
You also heavily undervalue the instilations, yes they are vulnerable to attack but they have very powerful abilities, particularly the cerebrate and the warp gate.
Your dismissal of conclave fleet must come from inexperience, have you ever seen it comboed with dark archons and maelstrom?? Good luck killing an aldaris base with that going on.
You also miss the whole point of Kerrigans z-axis leadership card, she gets to put a transport on all the connectors to her starting planet. This means if she pulls a 4 connector planet she has insane options to start the game.
I don't want to sound overly critical I really like seeing strategy published about this game. I love the game and think it has some incredible depth to it. I'd really like to see some organized play at some point.
Hi blarknob,
no offense taken. I thank you for critics because that's what helps everyone to improve their gaming. I definitely lack the experience in every aspect of the game like Conclave fleet, so that's why I put it online for being critized If you like, you are wholeheartidly invited to write some supplements of your own to be combined with my stuff! I would also be totally thrilled if anyone would comment the whole thing (I would provide a version which can be edited for everyone interested in doing so) and as well if a native speaker would help me to smooth the wording.
Your article was good stuff I was just pointing out the spots I felt were not fleshed out enough.
Try conclave fleet next time you get Aldaris. Use an archons and dark archons build with it. If you get a dark archon onto the conlcave fleet card and you have the maelstrom tech then anytime someone activates a planet with your base you can move the archon to it and cancel the move with maelstrom. if you also have mind control you can thwart two mobilize orders, first one with maelstrom second one by defending with your lone dark archon playing mind control. The mind controlled unit will be left as a defender at the end of battler(so the attacker has to retreat).
I easily won the game where I first used this strategy. On the turn were I would win with the points I held I played a ton of research orders threaded between my opponents orders on my planets and just re-purchased maelstrom after each of their orders.
Conclave fleet probably isn't as easy a win as the aldaris special victory leadership card but it is very powerful in its own right.
Nice, thank you very much! Have you considered about writing some own passages?
I have expanded the guide based on your critics. Enjoy!
i will read and comment later
OK Finish reading it
Really like your Leadership Sections
Ps. but i will not share it with anyone cuz i'm going to use it against them and let them learn from me
Ha, that's the spirit Found anything you would like to see added?
plz ^-^
the real reason that i don't want to share it in my group is
i wish to see different strategy from their creative
i don't want everyone to follow the same pattern ^-^ (me too will play as i like)
EX. one of my friend really like siege tank / battle cruiser
always being rush and lose but he still play that
I have over 50 games played with protos and terran, but in 1v1 against zerg is very hard to win.My opponent is a very good player he play only with zerg(queen of blades-forward planning-rush style ). And my question is if someone can give me some tips or have enough xp in 1v1 to write a guide.
This is excellent! Thanks so much for the guide, really awesome of you! Will read
Thanks a lot! Always gives a boost to hear such praise Next project in the line is a guide for TI3 btw, so if you have any ideas to share, please go ahead.