I just started playing, and I use that term as loosely as possible, the card game and decided to join the forums.
This isn't my first time "playing" a card game but it is my first time joining a community online of people who play.
I have looked through the forums for the past couple of days and I continue to see the same people posting. You
guys seem very supportive and that is why I decided to join up. There is probably no one in my area that plays
and it is difficult to convince my wife to play with me. BTW when she does play with me it is like I am playing myself.
Coming from other card games it is hard to wrap my head around how cards are played. In the past month I have
purchased online 2 Break of Dawn Booster Boxes, and 1 Booster Box of each of the other 3 sets. Not to mention
The 3 Starter Decks from Break of Dawn that I found in my local Target. So I am not short on cards I just need
another living person to play with. I know a lot of people in the area that saw me with the cards at my local
card shop, I had to order the BoD Boxes there, that said they liked KH the video game and would like to try the TCG.
My dilemma is this... I have lots of cards and would like to make decks that I could demo to this potential players
that would entice them to start playing. Obviously I would need a WR, Aggro, Balanced, and a Control deck. But I have seen
other things like CotW... that may be wrong... What is it?
Thanks for everyone’s help. I know I mention deck building but the question is also general as I am also asking
what decks I should use to demo the game to other players.