Just joining

By nevets2, in New Key Bearers

I just started playing, and I use that term as loosely as possible, the card game and decided to join the forums.
This isn't my first time "playing" a card game but it is my first time joining a community online of people who play.
I have looked through the forums for the past couple of days and I continue to see the same people posting. You
guys seem very supportive and that is why I decided to join up. There is probably no one in my area that plays
and it is difficult to convince my wife to play with me. BTW when she does play with me it is like I am playing myself.

Coming from other card games it is hard to wrap my head around how cards are played. In the past month I have
purchased online 2 Break of Dawn Booster Boxes, and 1 Booster Box of each of the other 3 sets. Not to mention
The 3 Starter Decks from Break of Dawn that I found in my local Target. So I am not short on cards I just need
another living person to play with. I know a lot of people in the area that saw me with the cards at my local
card shop, I had to order the BoD Boxes there, that said they liked KH the video game and would like to try the TCG.

My dilemma is this... I have lots of cards and would like to make decks that I could demo to this potential players
that would entice them to start playing. Obviously I would need a WR, Aggro, Balanced, and a Control deck. But I have seen
other things like CotW... that may be wrong... What is it?

Thanks for everyone’s help. I know I mention deck building but the question is also general as I am also asking
what decks I should use to demo the game to other players.


Howdy sir and welcome to the forums if you have any question feel free to ask.

Well, Nevets , welcome to the Kingdom Hearts TCG forum ^_^

I'm your friendly neighbourhood troll and rules writer for this TCG ;]

To answer your questions about demoing and getting other people to play: Advertise! We don't want this TCG to die and the more people playing the merrier ^_^ Try building Aggro, WR and JoaT demo decks, and always have 2 or 3 to hand if you're going to your local gaming store so that you can advertise wherever and whenever.

hey hey :D
Welcome aboard :D

I dont knwo what to tell you about what decks to demo but I knwo I have a friend ive been trying to convince the play and he LOVES broom decks ... he thinks there hallerious
Other then that I think one of the greatest things about the game atm is all the different types of decks that can be built and are playable on a competetive level (roxas deck won gencon :o ) Xaldin/Axel/Roxas decks are all easy to build and need mainly just the last set so you could build those to show the variety of deck types

Welcome sir to the KH TCG!

I'm Also one of the current rules and errata writers for the game and I'll be willing to help with anything you need including advertising, deck building and the like. Always remember to have fun and post often, we do our best to keep this forum one of the nicest around! ^_^

Yo ho! 'N welcome to the forums!

As my fellow brethren have stated, we hope you certainly enjoy your stay, 'n do ask away if you've a question or two. Do note, however, that a LOT of questions have been ask'd 'n tons of answers have been given (once you look past all the mumbo-jumbo chatter), so I would recommend a quick look over (and/or, there is a search function waaaaaaaay up top that could most likely help guide you as well) just to gather your bearins, certainly.

As to answer your post:

Nevets said:

There is probably no one in my area that plays and it is difficult to convince my wife to play with me. BTW when she does play with me it is like I am playing myself.

I know this feelin very well!! I've a friend who likes my deck ideas 'n mimics them almost exactly!! It usually comes down to who gets to go first!

Nevets said:

My dilemma is this... I have lots of cards and would like to make decks that I could demo to this potential players
that would entice them to start playing. Obviously I would need a WR, Aggro, Balanced, and a Control deck. But I have seen
other things like CotW... that may be wrong... What is it?

Ah, CotW. Also known as Card of the Week. Some of our fellow players go through the cards, 'n once a week, write a review on their thoughts of the card they chose. It's not a deck style. There really is a lot more ideas on what deck styles there are, but the three main ones they show in the rulebook are World Runnin, Aggro, 'n Balanced (most have focus'd on either the WR or Aggro). There are different potentials you can throw in the deck styles, such as friend control, hand control, draw potential, etc.

Nevets said:

Thanks for everyone’s help. I know I mention deck building but the question is also general as I am also asking what decks I should use to demo the game to other players.

I'd say show off a basic WR deck, a basic Aggro deck, 'n see if you can find a good Balance deck on here somewhere (Gummi Garage section has a lot of all three). 'N remember, if you've any other questions, feel free to ask away!

Once again, welcome to the forums!


Welcome to the game/community. As for demos go, any time I have ever tried/demo'd a game is with a couple of starter decks. I know its not always the best of the cards, but a person can still get a feel of the mechanics of the game and IMO that is the most important. If the game doesn't play well, then I walk away from it. Once a new player gets a feel for it, let them decide what type of deck they want to play.