Sea of Blood rulebook, when?

By shnar, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

It looks like Sea Of Blood is pretty done. Any chance we're going to get a rulebook? And when? What about SoB release date? :)


P.S. In case you can't tell, I'm pretty excited for this expansion ;)

I would say about 4-5 months before the release, and at least 3-4 months before they post the rules online. That's what it was for RtL.

Kevin said December, so I think you'll be waiting a while.

December for the game or for the rules? If it's before Christmas, then that would be perfect! (justification with the wifey to pick it up ;) ).


The game. I know it's on my Christmas list, although I'll have to literally send a URL to someone just to make that happen. :)

I would put my money on mid Feb 2010

shnar said:

December for the game or for the rules? If it's before Christmas, then that would be perfect! (justification with the wifey to pick it up ;) ).

As to the rules, one can probably look at recent history for the timing. FFG released the rules for Chaos in the Old World and Middle Earth Quest about a month prior to them being available. Looking back at their other releases, this seems to be their current policy. If SoB is rumored to be December, one should not expect to see the rules online until November or so.

Guys - no rush. I'm as excited as you are, but I would rather prefer a more polished material than the last campaign outing. I don't mind wait a little bit longer for a better product, with a great and consistent rulebook on top of a balanced and fun experience.

(Oh, well, one can always dream...)