What size are the monster figures?

By noodles, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I'm thinking about shipping them off to be painted and price is determined by the size of the mini. Does anybody know what size they actually are? I was thinking 15mm but I'm not sure.


The heroes are the same size as some 20mm Alamo models I own. The monsters, however, are almost entirely in the 25-28mm scale.

Is there somewhere on the site where I can look that up?

SamVimes said:

The heroes are the same size as some 20mm Alamo models I own. The monsters, however, are almost entirely in the 25-28mm scale.

I always estimated 25mm scale for the monsters, but the heroes are smaller in general.

pinkymadigan said:

SamVimes said:

The heroes are the same size as some 20mm Alamo models I own. The monsters, however, are almost entirely in the 25-28mm scale.

I always estimated 25mm scale for the monsters, but the heroes are smaller in general.

In wargaming terms, the heroes are an inconsistant 'true' 25mm. They are larger, I think, than most '20mm' (1/72) scale figures, and about the same size as very old '25mm' figures - but nothing like the size of most modern '25mm' figures which are generally 28-30mm.
Given standard scale creep I am not surprised that they would be compared with some 20mm figures, particularly if the comparison figures are metal and not careful crafted to a true 20mm scale that fits with 1/72 plastics (Airfix, Esci, etc).

The monsters seem to be a 'modern' 25mm - which mean 28-30mm. I use some 28mm Elizabethans and similar for heroes made using the FFG 'make your own hero' rules from Wargames Foundry and they seem to be pretty much identically sized to most monsters (slightly taller due to thicker bases).

For painting purposes I would be confident that the (one-two space) monsters will be considered 28mm figures.
The heroes may get called 20mm or may get called 25mm.
The larger monsters probably will come under unique models or something similar.

Firstly, wenever you ask the question of scale there will be a number of different answers, as the UK and US eveloped different ways of doing this and then with the advent of the internet, both cross-pollinated. There was never a clear understanding of how it should apply to fantasy figures either.

Figure scale is measured from the bottom of the base(US -style) or the tip of the foot (UK-style) to the eye of a model representing an average (5'8") human male standing upright. So, in a 24mm scale for example, said average human is 24mm tall foot/base-to-eye.

Now fantasy figures are noutoriously bad at defining "average human" figures. Depending on which character you define as being this size and which measure you use, you end up with a scale between 20mm and 25mm.

The Monsters feature skeletons, who should be a little shorter than an average human, who are bigger. This places the Monsters somewhere in the region of 28-32mm, depending again on how you measure.

For my money, I class the Heroes at 20mm and the Monsters at 32mm. YMMV.