AURA Clarification

By nightelfxs, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I know this is probably a question that should be simple. My group has been playing the Aura ability, which was pretty simple till Shiver, as each level of Aura adds a Space to the effect. But we recently came to the conclusion that we may have been playing it wrong. I.E. That each level is actually strictly Damage to the effect. Your thoughts? Thank you.

It adds one extra damage per level, not range.

Thank you Shmoozer

Just to clarify, the effected monster/hero "suffers wounds that cannot be reduced by armor".

I did know that. Thank you though. I don't really know why we were playing it the other way. But let me tell you it made things very difficult for the Overlord when someone was Shiver. Thnak you again demonio.gif

Just for reference, the ranked version of Aura is defined in the Road to Legend rulebook. For some reason, the summary for Tomb of Ice didn't include the explanation of ranks, even though Shiver obviously uses them, but they were clearly defined in a previous expansion.