Questions about Missions used for tournament play.

By De Bad Wolf, in Imperial Assault Skirmish

My local store is starting to hold Imperial Assault tournaments.

Going over the rules it says: Starting March 1st, the legal maps, and their accompanying missions, for the season are: Mos Eisley Outskirts, Massassi Ruins,and Moisture Farm."

So in the future will they be adding more missions to the list or rotating different maps in from expansions?

Will all players be required to own every expansion used in the rotation to compete?

The rule sheet says: This and other supported documents for FFG Organized Play can be accessed from the Organized Play Support page: ". When I go to the website it says page not found.

Future Speculations:

Some players have started to print the maps out on paper for easy use.

With FFG now doing their own game mats. Will they make mission play mats in the future?

If they use the same missions in the season rotation I think that would be ideal product. Or a great 3rd party product as there seems to be a lot of custom game mats in the past year. But with all these rules being added to X-Wing like official game tokens and maps would they be allowed at worlds if done by 3rd party.? So far FFG hasn't pushed anything at worlds with 3rd party movement or range and tokens. But now they make their own play maps I see they added Official Maps to the rules even epic. Not that they make a 3X6 mat yet.

We don't really know the map rotation model yet, this being only season 1. So it's hard to say if they will be rotating/adding maps.

But keep in mind that the "legal maps" rules only apply to competitive and premier tournaments, so your local store tournament does not necessarily have to be restricted to these.

My guess is that FFG has a plan in place to cover them for the time being while they have their feelers out in the wild seeing how people adapt to the current environment. As of right now, all you need to play a Skirmish map outside of the core box is the map schematics itself the rules that come along with it and technically the A / B cards that get added to the deck to be shuffled and drawn for which map(s) get played at the tournament. The rules and schematic can *very* easily be printed or copied and you could make it by with just one copy.

If FFG goes by what they do for X wing, they will add Wave 1 missions when Wave 2 comes out..

This goes with the fact that when Wave 5 X wing was released they included debris tokens. It took until wave 6 came out (officially April 15th) that players can use them in tournaments.

Now, as to if they just add missions or rotate them? Who can know?

did you read the QA i posted? they will rotate missions and maps.

did you read the QA i posted? they will rotate missions and maps.

Until it shows up on FFG official website, I don't trust ANY information posted elsewhere. Even if it is a direct quote of someone, their knowledge of what will happen can change. I can cite many example of people who state things that their game is going to do and in the end it doesn't happen, or is changed from what they originally said was going to happen.

A perfect example of this is that Wargamming originally stated that World of Tanks, World of Warplanes, and World of Battleships would all be linked and have major grand fights a la War Thunder.

Long story short, Until FFG makes an official news post on missions, it doesn't matter what someone says.

Then I don't know what to say

Long story short, Until FFG makes an official news post on missions, it doesn't matter what someone says.

I'm with Jonny. If you are waiting for this don't hold your breath you may pass out. FFG will probably just update the rotation each cycle. Several people attended adepticon and asked this question the answer as the same as Jonny's interview which he nicely typed up. I doubt we'll see an official new article just a tournament rules update each season similar to the LCG's.