"transformation to a monkey"

By Sinso, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Putting it simple with a link:


Now in my german JitD standard version, without addons, the curs eof the monkey god alters you to a monky, yet with the sentence "and can not be attacked".

So, am i haveing a miraculous missprint, a ver old non errataed version, or was it FAQed?

I have spent quite soem time wonderign why everybody feard the "DotmG" so much, with the Overlord not being able to even harm the heroes, just buying himself some time for those 25 threat.

Sounds like a translation error.

Jep, and these are abundant in the German version.

A hero transformed into a monkey cannot make attacks. There is nothing in the English version suggesting that he cannot be attacked, and in fact his armor is specifically reduced to zero, generally making him much easier to kill.

Antistone said:

A hero transformed into a monkey cannot make attacks. There is nothing in the English version suggesting that he cannot be attacked, and in fact his armor is specifically reduced to zero, generally making him much easier to kill.

Sorry to say, but translation does seem to be a significant issue with major changes to some cards evident. Some, like this one, are obviously wrong (once you read the english), others are less obviously wrong, but certainly significantly different.