My heroes in this campaign I'm currently soloing have had the absolute worst dice rolls imaginable. During this campaign I've turned up three secret rooms and have not come out with a single piece of loot. This third time, I got a card that wanted me to roll a grey defense and get Search cards for how many Shields rolled. It came up blank. So finished up Masquerade Ball, rescued 3 out of 4 guests. Rolled 4 on the Black die and lost. During a quest in this campaign, Reynhart rolled an X on his original attack, rolled an X again for the Hero Ability and rolled a THIRD X after triggering his heroic feat. On top of that, my Geomancer always rolls X whenever I need to pop Quaking Word. I've had normal and hard hitting attacks canceled by 3 Shield rolls on one grey defense, have rolled virtually no defense on hard hitting attacks. If this was a campaign actually being played by a few people, I would imagine there would be feeling some major frustration.