Assign Research

By Anouilh, in XCOM: The Board Game

Hi all,

I have a few questions about the 'Assign Research' sections of the game during the timed phases.

1) When a 'Assign Research' (either I, II or III) comes up on the app, does the Chief Scientist have to put down a tech card onto the board or is it optional?

2) When the Chief Scientist does put a tech card from their hand onto the board, do they have to put at least one research unit onto the board or can they choose NOT to put any research units onto the board (after placing the tech card onto the board)?

Thanks for the help!

1) It's optional.

2) Also optional.

Hi CommissarFeesh,

Thanks for the quick response! That helps clear up those rules for the game.

Thinking about the research again, is it possible to still use the 'Laboratory' card (discard 1 salvage to add 1 xcom die to each roll during a research task) on a research task even if there are NO research units next to a tech card on the board?

No, that's in the rules somewhere - you can't add dice to a roll unless you have at least one die already.