save the king?

By comdieguy, in Hollow Bastion

i really need a ruling on save the king. if i use a friend is that a forced discard or is it something else. and what is a forced discard.

comdieguy said:

i really need a ruling on save the king. if i use a friend is that a forced discard or is it something else. and what is a forced discard.

You could use "Save the King" to protect another friend from being discarded due to a card effect like Gravity or Alice...those are considered "Forced Discard"...choosing to discard for cards like Beast or Set 4 Sally is your choice and isn't being forced by an outside source, and thus couldn't be prevented by "Save the King". Hope I've clarified this for ya.

Also...Remember to post rulings questions in the Rules Discussion Section sir. Thanks. ^_^

thanks i forgot which one i click on and posted it here with out realising it. fixed it to be posted in rules