Sept Prize Support (AKA WTF!!!!)

By Ender Dragon, in UFS General Discussion

What are you guys thinking, or are you even thinking at all. Normally, there is a positive and a negative, but this time it's really hard to see it.

I only scheduled Standard events and yet I am getting Legacy prize support, how am I supposed to run Standard events and give out this crap to my players? Let me give you a rundown of the garbage I got ...

5x Lotus Garden (The legal for 1 month card)

4x Temujin*

3x M. Bison :: (He came out over a year ago...)

3x Tae Kwon Do Zephyr (League cards, really??? WTF)

2x Heel Snipe (Was great until rotation)

2x Seth** (Again worthless, even when he was legal)

1x Ninon**

1x Abelia's Friendship

And before you ask, yes I read the letter, and was instantly pissed off. I don't expect to actually run all of my events this month, no one is going to want this garbage. Yes there are Jins and Astrids to hand out, but everyone will get one anyway because there are so many of them, then this stuff will be the leftovers. I know you need to dump your Legacy garbage off because you didn't plan ahead when announcing this sudden rotation, but don't dump it off on stores that are only running Standard, give extras to the store that give a crap about Legacy. We don't want your crap!

There is a thing that says The continuing success of UFS depends on the Scouts efforts to promote this game. Guess what, you'll have less Scouts to promote this game soon, and less players because of this stupidity. Please don't let this happen again next month, you have a ton of promos you can give out. There are still Close Throw, Mark of the Beast, Martial Arts Champ, Cursed Blood, Tablet of Gilgamesh (That someone got in a Tekken pack) and that Kisheri character James was playing at GenCon. You have stuff to hand out, stop giving us scraps.

And I felt stupid last month handing out promos that weren't going to be legal in 2 weeks.

They are probably saving all the new promos for when the new OP starts next month. But they still should have thrown a little something in there, at least try to make it mostly 5 point cards.

How many Jins and Astrids did you get? Because, well, you need 4 Jins to even get started and Astrid is pretty much worthless as a starting character (ie, you want 2~4 to stack); they won't be worthless "because everyone has one"

OMG - They gave you cards to use in Legacy! A supported format!

OMG - IF you play legacy, you can use those cards!!!

How are you supposed to support a game, where they give you free cards! Free cards to play in their game, that you already own cards for!

What were they thinking... giving away prize support for Free. I'm going to email Steve right now, and tell him that the players don't want free prize support.

OMG we get Legacy cards for running Standard events, WIN!!!

There is a saying on Magic forums...WoTC could put $100 bills in packs and people would complain they folded them wrong. Seems to be the case here as well. I was very vocal with my negativty with the way things were just a month ago, but I have to say FFG seem to have finally got their heads out of their asses with prize support. The people that went to World's brought back prize support everyone was trying to trade for, pre-release support rocked and this mounth they decieded to give out stacks of Jin as prize support.

I was really excited when I heard Jin and astrid were sent to us in stacks. Was afraid I would have to rip my self off in trades to get copies of Jin. Where I'm at Jin is high on the list of chars people want to play and you difinatly want more then a copy of Jin in your deck.

JDub said:

OMG we get Legacy cards for running Standard events, WIN!!!

that's why I play xD

I even got Penny Arcade cards from playing standard, not all of them though yet.

Maybe next month we can get Kingdom Hearts cards. I mean it's free prize support right?

JDub said:

Maybe next month we can get Kingdom Hearts cards. I mean it's free prize support right?

we didnt get any Jins or Astrids...

Morning Demon said:

JDub said:

Maybe next month we can get Kingdom Hearts cards. I mean it's free prize support right?

I've got like 6 promo Karin's from CanNats if you want them.

only if they are "shooped". few here knows what i mean :P

Antigoth said:

OMG - They gave you cards to use in Legacy! A supported format!

OMG - IF you play legacy, you can use those cards!!!

How are you supposed to support a game, where they give you free cards! Free cards to play in their game, that you already own cards for!

What were they thinking... giving away prize support for Free. I'm going to email Steve right now, and tell him that the players don't want free prize support.

Free cards we can't use in Standard events? OMG Yes plz! While there at it why don't they just stop giving us cards all together and just give us fresh fruit? I mean it's free Prize support after all no matter what it is it must be good cuz it's free!

Also you really need a reality check if you think legacy is a supported format. Steve has told us numerous times that it is not -__-

Sol Badguy said:

Antigoth said:

OMG - They gave you cards to use in Legacy! A supported format!

OMG - IF you play legacy, you can use those cards!!!

How are you supposed to support a game, where they give you free cards! Free cards to play in their game, that you already own cards for!

What were they thinking... giving away prize support for Free. I'm going to email Steve right now, and tell him that the players don't want free prize support.

Free cards we can't use in Standard events? OMG Yes plz! While there at it why don't they just stop giving us cards all together and just give us fresh fruit? I mean it's free Prize support after all no matter what it is it must be good cuz it's free!

Also you really need a reality check if you think legacy is a supported format. Steve has told us numerous times that it is not -__-

Duh of course it is a supported format, they have one event for it every year at GenCon. You know the one that 17 people showed up for this year.

19 people!.... 19 people showed up!! T_T

The rest were all too scared!

JDub said:

Sol Badguy said:

Antigoth said:

OMG - They gave you cards to use in Legacy! A supported format!

OMG - IF you play legacy, you can use those cards!!!

How are you supposed to support a game, where they give you free cards! Free cards to play in their game, that you already own cards for!

What were they thinking... giving away prize support for Free. I'm going to email Steve right now, and tell him that the players don't want free prize support.

i would have if i wasnt playing in teams.....

But i thought it was only 11?

Free cards we can't use in Standard events? OMG Yes plz! While there at it why don't they just stop giving us cards all together and just give us fresh fruit? I mean it's free Prize support after all no matter what it is it must be good cuz it's free!

Also you really need a reality check if you think legacy is a supported format. Steve has told us numerous times that it is not -__-

Duh of course it is a supported format, they have one event for it every year at GenCon. You know the one that 17 people showed up for this year.

Antigoth said:

OMG - They gave you cards to use in Legacy! A supported format!

OMG - IF you play legacy, you can use those cards!!!

How are you supposed to support a game, where they give you free cards! Free cards to play in their game, that you already own cards for!

What were they thinking... giving away prize support for Free. I'm going to email Steve right now, and tell him that the players don't want free prize support.

And once again you offer nothing to the conversation other than "You should play Legacy"

So I have gone to work and calmed down a little since this prize support stuff pissed me off.

I am running a total of 0 Legacy events. My players do not want to play Legacy, my group is different from yours Antigoth
I know you are all for playing Legacy, and if your players want to do that, then cool, I'm glad. Maybe I can trade you all of my Legacy cards I do not need for stuff I can use in standard. But to my point.

A store that does not run Legacy events, should not get Legacy prize support. It will discourage scouts from running events at all. If scouts stop running events because they are getting prize support they can't use in standard then we lose players, which loses the company players and money. Not a good thing in the long run. All I am saying is FFG, please keep the Legacy prize support kept to stores that are running Legacy. We do not want to see it if we are only running standard.

Ender Dragon said:

All I am saying is FFG, please keep the Legacy prize support kept to stores that are running Legacy. We do not want to see it if we are only running standard.

Then you're not gonna like what you're gonna hear.

The prize kits are the same whether you run legacy or not. All FFG checks is : "Did that store register tournaments?" Then they send you a kit. The kit will probably contain support for both Legacy and Standard.

Our playgroup doesn't play Legacy at all either, and we're stuck with a bunch of promos we can't really distribute. The only thing I dislike about this is that space is finite in our promo box and we're stuck with a bunch of Legacy we can't distribute, with more on the way. Otherwise, hey cool free stuff.

Honestly, if you're really THAT pissed off at FFG for receiving prize support for Legacy... send it back. Also, contact FFG directly and air your grievances there. They'll be more likely to listen than, you know, on a forum they have told us numerous times that they don't read.

I'm find with what they're doing with prize support. I'm now running Legacy and Standard every week. I just make my own instore banlist that my players must follow for Legacy.

Re: "Again, Antigoth adds nothing to a conversation other then to say 'play legacy'"

Again, another player has opened up yet another thread to ***** and complain, rather then actually contacting FFG directly and letting them know about your concerns.

But Hatman already covered that point.

Players don't want to play legacy. Players don't want to play standard because it's 5-Star Only.

What the hell do people want to play?

"We can't distribute 'Legacy' support."

Why not? Are these the same players who are complaining "They don't have legacy cards"?

"We don't want to play legacy because it isn't supported."

The only difference between Legacy and Standard, is character card events. Otherwise the prize support is similar, and starting October it should be identical.

And if character cards are the defining thing that drive people playing the game, why aren't more people showing up to "supported events"?

Because if the people showing up for Nats and Worlds are the extent of the people playing in "supported" events, then the game is in a really sad shape.

Re: Trading Legacy stuff for 5-Star stuff

Uh... sure... keep in mind, I already have full playsets of every set in the game except for Tekken (Gimme a month or two), so I'm not sure why I'd be trading for more cards that I already own.

JDub said:

Maybe next month we can get Kingdom Hearts cards. I mean it's free prize support right? You could always you know give out the legacy cards to people who might be interested in the game and may consider playing if you know you throw them a few free cards :)

Apparently you didn't go to Canadian nationals lol... not complaining I found it quite humorous :)

Antigoth said:

And if character cards are the defining thing that drive people playing the game, why aren't more people showing up to "supported events"?

Because if the people showing up for Nats and Worlds are the extent of the people playing in "supported" events, then the game is in a really sad shape.

Cash money, self-confidence in deck issues and other unrelated business also do not help.

Example : I would have shown up at Worlds if I had the cash money and didn't work that weekend.

I tried calling FFG yesterday, twice. I got hung up on once, after I mentioned why I was calling, and the second time, no one answered.

I would have been at Worlds, but Madden 2010 released on the 14th, and working at a video game retailer, we can't get the day off.

Yes, I started a thread complaining about something. But unlike most threads where people complain about cards that they think are too good, or they just can't find a way to play around, I am talking about something FFG is directly doing that is potentially detrimental to this game. I had 0 people show up at my tournament today, no one wants the prize support, none of them are willing to play when the chances they will get Astrid or Jin is low, and the chance they will get a Legacy card is very high.

Ender Dragon said:

Yes, I started a thread complaining about something. But unlike most threads where people complain about cards that they think are too good, or they just can't find a way to play around, I am talking about something FFG is directly doing that is potentially detrimental to this game. I had 0 people show up at my tournament today, no one wants the prize support, none of them are willing to play when the chances they will get Astrid or Jin is low, and the chance they will get a Legacy card is very high.

E-mail them then?

They've shown, and outright stated as such, that they do not read the forums . Not now, not ever. Writing a thread to complain about getting free stuff will obviously get you ridiculed, even if the free stuff is Legacy that nobody plays, because it's free stuff in addition to Standard prize support!

Our play group didn't recieve any prize support last month and so far none this month and I know for certain that there are events registered, so stop complaining you big pansies. I would take any prize support for my play group, so if you don't like it you can send it here!

runnerb3an said:

Our play group didn't recieve any prize support last month and so far none this month and I know for certain that there are events registered, so stop complaining you big pansies. I would take any prize support for my play group, so if you don't like it you can send it here!

lol, I always like Runner's posts ^^

That said, I can understand Ender's complaint. But perhaps FFG is trying it's best to cater to 'all' players, and perhaps FFG doesn't find it economical to tailor the prize support system to each and every playgroup. After all, it is free stuff.

Perhaps what is happening is FFG is trying to find out a way to stimulate different organized play, but I'd sooner think they are just finding a use for product they have left over, and hey - who's going to use it better than UFS players?

It's not a perfect world, if your players are simply playing to get their hands on the newest of the new then they aren't playing for the right reasons. There are many tournies we've gone in the past without prize support, and I'm sure there will be more. Does this mean we won't show up? Of course not, the main 3 reason players who aren't Scouts show up is to a) get better, b) have fun, and c) bug their resident Scout - lol. All 3 of these can be done w/o optimal prize support.

- dut