The rules say they go face down and you get them at the end of your turn. So if another player completes a building and I'm rewarded with cards I don't get them until the end of my own turn? I always thought everyone got their cards at the end of the active player's turn, but maybe I'm wrong.
When do you actually get reward cards?
I've always played that you get the rewards -- including cards -- when the building is completed, during the Contribution step. After re-reading the appropriate rule section, however, it appears that you are correct in that you get the cards after the Discard and Draw step.
The question remains as to whether the second "your" in "add them to your hand after your turn is completely over" is the plural for all players who made contributions or the singular for the active player (the first is obviously singular). If the other players do get them immediately, they get a slight advantage of being able to discard them (an infrequent occurrence for me) during their turn while the active player cannot.
Having to keep the cards aside and add them after your turn is quite a fiddly rule (I'd probably forget). The game works fine the way we play it and I will continue to do so to avoid the fiddle factor.
Macronx said:
I've always played that you get the rewards -- including cards -- when the building is completed, during the Contribution step. After re-reading the appropriate rule section, however, it appears that you are correct in that you get the cards after the Discard and Draw step.
The question remains as to whether the second "your" in "add them to your hand after your turn is completely over" is the plural for all players who made contributions or the singular for the active player (the first is obviously singular). If the other players do get them immediately, they get a slight advantage of being able to discard them (an infrequent occurrence for me) during their turn while the active player cannot.
Having to keep the cards aside and add them after your turn is quite a fiddly rule (I'd probably forget). The game works fine the way we play it and I will continue to do so to avoid the fiddle factor.
AFAIK, you have to wait until the end of your turn, but imo it doesn't break the game if you get them immediately.
I had posed this question elsewhere and got an answer and forgot to report it back here.
When reward cards are handed out, they go face down next to the players. When the CURRENT player has completed his turn, everyone gains the cards. So, for all practical purposes, only the current player has to set them aside and pick them up a bit later.
Why is this? I'd guess to make it fair for everyone. This way, every player has to start a turn holding their new cards before they can choose to discard them.