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Fire Steve Fox
Actions: 3
3x Ascending Zephyr 2/5
Assets: 4
2x Wonderworld Comics 2/5 +3-LOW [Terrain]
2x Glanzende Nova and Frischer Himmel 2/5 +2-MID [unique]
Attacks: 17
3x Blazing Fist 5/3 +2-LOW
3x Phoenix Smasher 5/3 +2-MID
4x Hammer of the Gods 5/3 +2-MID [stun: 2]
4x Tandoya 5/3 [stun: 1]
3x Turn Thruster 4/2 +1-MID [stun: 1]
Foundations: 36
3x The Ultimate Team 3/5 +2-LOW
4x Communing with the Ancients 3/5
3x Enraged Golem 3/5
3x Stand Off 2/5 +3-MID
3x Best Friends 2/5 +3-HIGH
4x Financial Troubles 2/5
3x Intimidating Presence 2/5
4x Nursing a Grudge 2/5
3x Hungry for Battle 2/4
3x From the Hawk, Alertness 1/5 +3-MID
3x Brooding 1/5 +1-HIGH
Bob n Weave - Defensively Offensive
Steve Fox - Toughest in the Universe - The Ultimate Team - Stand Off
Steve has something few non-Champion characters have: an ability that can be played on the opponent's turn! And no just any ability, but an ability we haven't really seen that much in the current block: DAMAGE REDUCTION! WITH NO MINIMUM! As such, I've filled Steve with not just loads of attacks to wall behind, but Toughest in the Universe to both turn attacks into donuts and turn Stun attacks into groin-busters, Ultimate Team for some fluid redux and pump, and Stand Off (AKA Stall Off), which is better than Rivalry with a Bear in every way.
Pugilistic Punishment
Jimmy Kimmel - Attacks - Damage Pumps
Steve's E is gonna put on some mad pressure game, because if you can't block the first punch, good luck blocking the next of my +2 speed stun-ridden punches. Jimmy Kimmel gives an additional +2 speed AND offers draw if I can deal damage (easy enough). The attacks are simply love. Blazing Fist + Steve E = hawt. Although I know this deck isn't Stun-focused, it Stuns enough to run Phoenix Smasher, which if anything, is a 5 diff 6 printed damage. And of course, I have some usual nasty damage pumps thanks to Astaroth and Ragnar.
Fancy Footwork
Tower of Remembrance - Communing with the Ancients - Best Friends - Financial Troubles - Intimidating Presence - Nursing a Grudge - From the Hawk
All my non aggro/defense tactics. Tower of Remembrance ought to be in any deck that can run it. Losing 1 vitality for not attacking is not just minimal loss, it's easy to fulfill. If your opponent outspeeds you, blow up their stuff, it's win-win! Communing is a given. Best friends to help with the Stun-out. Financial Troubles is just busted. I'm sorry, it's just too easy for draw. Intimidating is simply awesome. Nursing a Grudge = abused in here (everything's a punch). From the Hawk is a lot better than it seems; scouting their hand is very important for planning a turn.
Enjoy guys