So we have been playing the test game a few times before we introduce the full game to our friends/family. So what we worked out is that theres 6 rounds but 3 of which the VSD is tied down to the 3 commands he's picked at the start of the game is this right?
In theory this makes the CR90 more able to react to the changing game over the VSD which I guess is to simulate its a big ship so takes longer for commands to take hold for example in Turn 1-3 I picked 3 random ones but I get whacked in turn 2 I cannot alter the rest of my unrevealed commands so I always need to think ahead (not bad mechanic). But I could always save them as command tokens and spend them all in one go on Turn 4.
We did do one game and someone saved up two repair and one squadron knowing this would be the case. Lucky for the CR90 they could just change it each turn.