Caught In The Web Card Clarrification

By paganeagle2001, in Rules questions & answers

Just got the game and wondered about this.

Playing core game, Flies and Spiders scenario.

I have the base cards of Old Forrest Road and Forrest Spider, and then I pull the Caught in the Web card in my standing area.

I have to attach this to a hero.

I have two heros on a quest, so. I attach it to one of those.

I travel and pull down the Old Forrest Road card, now this says I can Ready a hero, so I ready the one with the Web attachment.

Does this knock out the text "Attached hero does not ready during the Refresh phase......."

As I have already readied him before the Refresh phase it kind of gives me a problem in what to do? Lol.

All the best.


Welcome to the game!

The effect of Caught in a Web applies to the Refresh phase only. It is fine to use Old Forest Road to ready that hero, no extra cost. Nothing will happen to that hero during the Refresh phase and you will not need to pay resources to keep him ready. If he is ready during the Refresh phase, he will remain ready until the next time you exhaust him.

If you use Old Forest Road to ready that hero, and then exhaust him again during combat, you will have to pay the 2 resources to ready him in the Refresh phase, per Caught in a Web's text.

Yes, you can use Old Forest Road to ready the hero with Caught in a Web on him. Caught in a Web will however remain attached to the hero. If that hero remains at the ready come the Refresh phase (i.e., you did not exhaust him to attack, defend, or perform actions after the Travel phase), then he will remain ready come the next round.

If at any point in subsequent rounds you exhaust that hero, then he will remain exhausted until the hero has either 2 resources in his resource pool to ready him during the Refresh phase, or until a Miner of the Iron Hills is played and removes Caught in a Web from the hero (thereby allowing the hero to be readied as normal during the Refresh phase). Other cards with readying effects (Unexpected Courage, Grim Resolve, Common Cause) can also be used during the action window in any phase to ready the hero who has Caught in a Web attached to him.

Did this help?

EDIT: GrandSpleen beat me to it… :-)

Edited by TwiceBornh

Thanks for helping, I wasn't sure if the attachment continued until I paid the 2 resources or if it went as soon as I readied the hero.

Now I see that it continues.

Many thanks.

All the best.
