okaaaay... so I'll try to rank them by stupidity...the more stupid ones go first so you can feel a progression.
1. I give my opponent 3 "baby" cthulus and I get 3 as well...now If I run out of them...can I still activate domains ?! or do I only get 3 a turn ?! (assuming I got more than one domain)
2. I understand some decks...miscatonik and syndicate I think...one has 19 and the other 21...is this a mistake? any errata ? (I don't remember seeing it in the FAQ)
3. The manual only states "for the first game rules" what about my other games :/... is it always the same 2 neutral decks, and what about the wiskey cover up story?
4. Okay so some of the story cards say stuff like Kill all creatures with a printed skill of 3 or higher...or 2 or lower. What happens if theire skill is modified by efects of the Shaggot card (-1 skill to all characters)...would skill 3 creatures still be wiped out even if the modified skill is 2 ? and what about insane characters they are treated as 0 skill...does that mean they are immune to the effect ?
5. Easy one, I'm guessing I can mix more than 2 colors if so desired in future deck building?
6. There is one character cost 1 in The Blue deck (really late here)...which can steal the symbols of another creature. Would he only steal the printed icons on the card or those of any attachments as well ?
7. Again a card specific one, there is a certain card in the Cthulu deck (a deep one), Forced Responce: when you comit him to a story he wounds every creature there other than himself. Im thinking that includes mine...and basically...if I'm the active player and comit him alone to a story...he would have nothing to wound, at least till my opponent responds and sends someone to protect. Long story short...by the text I'm thinking his power activates the moment he joins a story so he would only be really good in defense.
hope you can understand all that and help much appreciated. Its been a long time since I played any TCGs, CCGs, LCGs.