feat card-Riposte

By oren2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

hello everyone,

the card states:

"Play after a monster has attacked you with a melee attack. If able , you may immediately attack that monster. After your attack, the overlord resumes his turn as normal."

what does it meen "if able"? when can i use this ability? suppose i chose an a run action. how does it work?

This card is normally played during the ovelord's turn. It means that after a monster has attacked you with a melee attack, you get a free attack against it.

The text says "if able" because a Giant, 1 space away from the Hero, could have hit you with the Reach ability. If you don't have the Reach ability yourself, no ranged or magic weapons equipped. you cannot counter-attack.

thx a lot happy.gif

There are some other notable situations where you might not be able to target the figure that attacked you (Leap, for example), but I believe Ezhaeu has the basic idea correct. This gives you the opportunity to make an interrupt attack when you otherwise couldn't, but it doesn't let you ignore anything that would prevent the attack, such as distance or line-of-sight.

I wouldn't call it an interrupt attack per se. It does occur on the OL turn, but doesn't occur until after the triggering monster attack has resolved (which means you have to survive the attack to play the card in a useful manner).