Question about Earth Pact skill

By Salamander, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

The following discussion has come up in our game of RtL a few times: The Earth Pact skill says that if you don't move during your turn, you regain 2 hit points. But what is defined as movement exactly? I read somewhere else on the forum that going to town and shopping counts as moving, and I agree (you physically move from the dungeon to town anyway), but in our game our mage wanted to stand still for a turn and just drink a healing potion. In doing so, she had to spend 1 movement point (or 1 fatigue depending on the circumstances). "Ah!", said our Overlord (all hail!), "you've spent a movement point so you have moved. No Earth Pact for you!". "Nu-uh!", said the mage, "I didn't move my feet so I didn't move!".

As the game gets harder, this argument resurfaces from time to time and has people rolling their eyes ("There we go again..."), so please help! Who's right in this matter: the Overlord who claims that spending a movement point counts as moving (no matter how you spend them) or the mage who claims that moving your feet counts as movement?

Well, actually I think that the "Heart Pact" allows to recover 2 hit points only if the hero dosen't spend any MP at all! forbidden to drink potions, to go for shop, to open chests, to re-equip items....and so on!

Anyway...this is the way I consider that skill.....

TheHunterBoy said:

Well, actually I think that the "Heart Pact" allows to recover 2 hit points only if the hero dosen't spend any MP at all! forbidden to drink potions, to go for shop, to open chests, to re-equip items....and so on!

Anyway...this is the way I consider that skill.....


TheHunterBoy said:

Well, actually I think that the "Heart Pact" allows to recover 2 hit points only if the hero dosen't spend any MP at all! forbidden to drink potions, to go for shop, to open chests, to re-equip items....and so on!

Anyway...this is the way I consider that skill.....

I respectfully disagree,

"Earth Pact" skill second part states: "if you do not move during your turn, you recover 2 wounds at the end of your turn."

So, my players can do anything with movement points, as long as they Do Not Move from the square they started on.
Although, I do not let them use this skill while in town. I do consider shopping moving or anything in town moving for that matter.

The card doesn't say anything about "movement points" it only refers to "moving".

Each Overlord will have different ways they see the rules.

Erik Pulkka said:

Each Overlord will have different ways they see the rules.

You're completely right on this point!

Untill we'll consider the movement itself as a part of that you can do with the Movement Points, well, you could be right!

The issue is: could we distinguish between Movement Points and Movement?? My opinion is....NO, we can't! (otherwise....what does it mean to say "Movement points"?).

...But I'm always ready to change my convintions, if the most part of the players on this forum says that my way to play is uncorrect!

For this reason....thanks in advance to all!! gui%C3%B1o.gif

Uhhhh...spending movement points IS NOT the same as moving.

JitD pg 9

• A hero receives a number of movement points based on his speed and the action he takes on his turn. For example, a running hero with a speed of 4 receives 8 movement points.

The following rules apply to movement.
• Figures may move into any adjacent space (including diagonal spaces) for 1 movement point each , but must remain on the board at all times during their move.

Players can also choose to spend their movement points on performing actions instead of moving (see “Movement Actions,” page 16).

You receive movement points when you declare an action. You spend 1 movement point to move one square during your turn. If you don't spend that movement point to actually move a square, then you are not moving . You can spend the movement point on giving a item, drinking a potion, etc and you have not moved . You have declared an action and spend movement points, that is all.

I eagerly await what I'm sure will be some vocal objection to this.

I completely agree with Big Remy on this point. I had just gone down to get the rule book and look up this same sections.
Remy got it up first.

Again, movement is only one thing you do with Movement Points based on a players speed.


For what it's worth, I agree with Big Remy as well.

The rulebook makes it pretty clear that "moving" is spending movement points, the same as using a potion. Thus, while they both use movement points, they are not the same thing.

Big Remy said:

Uhhhh...spending movement points IS NOT the same as moving.

JitD pg 9

• A hero receives a number of movement points based on his speed and the action he takes on his turn. For example, a running hero with a speed of 4 receives 8 movement points.

The following rules apply to movement.
• Figures may move into any adjacent space (including diagonal spaces) for 1 movement point each , but must remain on the board at all times during their move.

Players can also choose to spend their movement points on performing actions instead of moving (see “Movement Actions,” page 16).

You receive movement points when you declare an action. You spend 1 movement point to move one square during your turn. If you don't spend that movement point to actually move a square, then you are not moving . You can spend the movement point on giving a item, drinking a potion, etc and you have not moved . You have declared an action and spend movement points, that is all.

I eagerly await what I'm sure will be some vocal objection to this.


Ok, I'll review my interpretation of that rule!

But, just to clarify my position...."to move" his/herself means letterally "to make a movement".... So, if I drink a potion, I have to move myself, and if I open a chest I have to move myself too, and so on....For this reason when I spend a "movement point" I have to make a kind of movement....

Ok: I pretty know that "to move" in the real world is a quite different than "to move" in the Descent fantasy world gui%C3%B1o.gif these discussions are very welcome to solve this critical issue for the game!


TheHunterBoy said:

Ok, I'll review my interpretation of that rule!

But, just to clarify my position...."to move" his/herself means letterally "to make a movement".... So, if I drink a potion, I have to move myself, and if I open a chest I have to move myself too, and so on....For this reason when I spend a "movement point" I have to make a kind of movement....

Ok: I pretty know that "to move" in the real world is a quite different than "to move" in the Descent fantasy world gui%C3%B1o.gif these discussions are very welcome to solve this critical issue for the game!


I have to disagree with you, via the Remy logic. You are confusing movement actions with moving. Spending a movement point on a movement action is not the same thing as moving.

You can look at the OL cards also to see this. A lot of them have as a trigger condition "when the hero moves into an empty space. . ." showing a direct reference to movement in descent as traveling between spaces.

This is one of those wonderful times when descent logic and real logic match up (as it would be odd if taking an axe out of your backpack was movement, but swinging it at a monster was not).

As I already said, I will change my interpretation of the "move" concept!

Thank you all for your precious argumentations! cool.gif

TheHunterBoy said:

Ok, I'll review my interpretation of that rule!

But, just to clarify my position...."to move" his/herself means letterally "to make a movement".... So, if I drink a potion, I have to move myself, and if I open a chest I have to move myself too, and so on....For this reason when I spend a "movement point" I have to make a kind of movement....

Ok: I pretty know that "to move" in the real world is a quite different than "to move" in the Descent fantasy world gui%C3%B1o.gif these discussions are very welcome to solve this critical issue for the game!


I hate to beat a dead horse, but by your logic above here, attacking with a sword or casting a spell would also be moving.

The rules lay it out pretty well, how ever you clarify your position, I think you have to just concede the point and move on.

TheHunterBoy said:

As I already said, I will change my interpretation of the "move" concept!

Thank you all for your precious argumentations! cool.gif

Please, read before write..

hunterboy, Your 7 am post was not up on my screen when I write my response.