DowntimeTown Video Review

By biglime, in Chaos in the Old World

Hi folks,

Thought you might be interested that I've just posted a 15 minute video review of this game at my board game website over at

Check it out if you get the chance, and I can maybe answer any questions you might have about the game in the comments section.


partido_risa.gif Nice one, I'm not sure if it was intended to be that FUNNY but it does convey the essence of the Game,glad I pre-ordered aplauso.gif


Is there a transcript of the review? I can't understand a word he said.

ioticus said:

Is there a transcript of the review? I can't understand a word he said.

He said: It's the best game ever, buy the game.

That review was a crazy ride...I think it was possibly THE best video review EVAR!

Kids, the take home quote of the day is:

"Eric Lang. Eric Lang who designed this game.
I could kiss you on the mouth. I could...I could kiss you and you would like it!"

Cheers for the review - still waiting to play my first game, but definitely looking forward to it now!

That review and your website is amazing.

Best thing I watched on the internet all night.

Great review. I wanted the game I need it.

I saw this review the other day and immediately went online and ordered the game. It came to the house last night and I spent a lot of time drooling as I punched out all the counters and bagged all the bits. I have to say this is one of the best looking games I've ever seen. I'm giddy as a school girl at the thought of playing it after work tonight.

Cool Reviews.... I like the space Hulk one.

I even posted the review to my Facebook page. I love it. I watched all your other reviews and look forward to all your future reviews.


Awesome review, I watched it last week and it's what convinced me to buy the game.

What was this review about? Was this in English? gran_risa.gif

No just a joke. I was quite funny and I think I am convinced now to buy the game.

Yes, with something of a Glaswegian accent. As previous posters have said, he's basically saying he loves the game, because it's got a lot of theme and replayability, along with tactics and cool looking stuff.

very informative thanks for the great review.

That video review was so deliciously awsome and bizarre, that it totally sold me the game!

I am buying it hehe

Buying this game now based solely on this video review. Awesome stuff :)

Same. I bought this game because of this awesome review, and have bought a fair few others based on Mr Florences' opinions - haven't had a dud yet! When's the Burnistoun Butcher LCG coming out?