deep one Deck

By raksha2, in Call of Cthulhu Deck Construction

ok semi new to the game(well the LCG format at lest)

when i played in the ccg format there was a deep one deck a mate gave me

ok so far i have got a copy of the box set and a ancient horror pack

what i have character wise is Dagon,ravager from the deep ,mature deep one, young deep one and adult deep one

supporrt wise i have shadowed reef a must in this deck, pulled under,touched by the sleeper,deep one assualt,sord of y'ha-tallo,get it off and finaly sacrificial offerings

goign to have innsmouth troublemaker in the deck and guardian shoggoth as the toughness will help at times

can you guys let recomend any more cards to go in the deck and from what packs?

you will want called by azathoth, a single path and perhaps terror of the tides (the spider-thing as a nice suprise card.

the problem is that all those cards are 1-offs in theri APs - called is 1 Julia AP, single path second.

There is a topic in this part of the forum that has all cads from all APs listed - search for it.

And for the deck silver twiglight emissaries will be good as acceleration.

Not exactly going with the theme, but Silver Twilight Temptress is one of my favorite new Cthulhu cards, with the ability to lure non-investigation people away from stories. She's great during a big push, and in AP 2 of the Julia block, unless I'm much mistaken

ok guys so far thank you for the help

the list of cards dose really help a lot thanks for that

i have to ask a couple of question later about som outeher deckl ideads