Just the cards?

By uberursine, in 1. AGoT General Discussion

For Talisman, FFG is releasing a "just the cards" box for the people that bought a previous 4th ed. Talisman...

Do you think they might do a "just the cards" version of core set for all of us that "need" multiple cards?

Is this something we'ld want? I would, speak up! - Stu

I do not see this happening for a number of reasons. The price of the Core set being the main one. Tailisman comes with a lot more 'extra' stuff then the Core Set does and is therefore $20 more. The Core set gives you four decks for $10 a peice with the 'extra' stuff basically being free. The core set comes out to be cheaper then a chapter pack ($10 for 20 cards in each Chapter pack verses $10 for 50 some cards times 4). Another reason is that the custimozible nature of AGoT gets infused every month via the Chapter packs and you could in theory build a couple of casual decks needing only one core set. Also the timing is not ideal to such a pack as the Core Set is a brand new product whiel Tailisman has been out for a long time (comparativly).

I would love for them to produce a 'nuetrals' pack and have one of every non house specific event, nuetral character, and nuetral location, but i do not think it would happen in the near future.

Beside, if you can pay $80 for starcraft you can pay $80 for 2 core sets gui%C3%B1o.gif

Ummmh, sometimes it´s not just the basic price. All non- US customers would be happy about a "only cards" Core set version, because the shipping costs for the whole core ste boxes are really, really high.

So, something like a "cards only"Core set version, even for the same price would be a good thing. Also i can´t see why anyone should need additional game pieces from a second Core set..

I wasn't saying it shouldn't happen, i just don't think it will happen.