Hi Rogue Trader fans!
This week, Rogue Trader author Owen Barnes shares some insight into how Profit Factor works . Enjoy!
Hi Rogue Trader fans!
This week, Rogue Trader author Owen Barnes shares some insight into how Profit Factor works . Enjoy!
Nice, and thanks for more little sneak peaks. Can I make a suggestion for the next Designer Diary, though? I was thinking it would be great if the next one could cover just pages 3 through 300 of the core book. That'd be, hands down, the best diary you could post and, in my humble opinion, would be a good thing for you to do. So, what do ya think, workable? By tomarrow maybe? Come on, be a sport.
I concur with the good man. Here here.
Hmmm, sounds similar to the Wealth system Wizards used in the Modern line of products. It wasn't without it's problems but it had some definite advantages, such as that it was easier to play a character of incredible wealth and not having him unbalance the game.