Shape Flesh, Flyer and flying speeds

By Darth Smeg, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

1. The Shape Flesh power (p170) lets you take the Flyer Trait, but the number is left out. One interpretation is that the Hoved, Flyer and Natural Armour trait all share the (2) presented for Natural Armour, but this is speculation. What is a reasonable level to assign this power, considering it should be similar to Burrower(1) or Natural Armour(2)?

2. The rules for flying state that the number given in the Trait description is to be treated like Movement rating for determining speed (p216). The rules for movement (p212) give speeds for "Narrative Movement" that make sense for hiking in terrain, but I feel the speeds somewhat low for flying.

A Flyer(2) would make a not-so-impressive 3kmh (1,9mph), or less than a meter pr second. If he was to Hurry, he could fly 6kmh for a while. I could out-jog this flyer...

3. The same flyer could "run" 12 meters in a round. A Round is approximately 5 seconds (p187), so this would suggest a top-speed of 2,4 m/s (8,6 Kmh)

Have I got this all wrong, or are "flyers" really just slowly moving balloons?

After taking a look at the bestiary chapter it would seem that most flyers have a speed of 2x their Agility Bonus, and this is also stated as the method of determining the flying speed of Daemonhosts with the Flyer trait.

I think I will go with this approach for the Shape Flesh power.

So, I too had thought that flyers were amazingly slow. Can you elaborate on your conclusion about flying speed?

What do you mean?

The "Flying Creature" has Agility 40 and Flyer (8). Another creature had Agility 30 and Flyer (6). The Daemonhost gets 2x AB if you select the Flyer trait, so I figured that was the way to go.

As to the speeds, the rules for flying state that the number given is their effective movement score when flying, and the rules for movement give the speeds as well as options for Hurrying and Running.

Ok, I didn't explain myself very well. I forgot that the issue ha come up with daemonhosts.

According to the DH rulebook a daemonhost will have 2d10+10 agility, with no mention of unnatural agility (unless this has been errata'd?). So they have an average AB of 2, with a good chance of it being 1, and in very rare cases, 3. This means that most daemonhosts can "run" 12m when flying. The slower ones can "run" 6m. This seems incredibly slow.

Have I misunderstood something?

Cardinalsin said:

Ok, I didn't explain myself very well. I forgot that the issue ha come up with daemonhosts.

According to the DH rulebook a daemonhost will have 2d10+10 agility, with no mention of unnatural agility (unless this has been errata'd?). So they have an average AB of 2, with a good chance of it being 1, and in very rare cases, 3. This means that most daemonhosts can "run" 12m when flying. The slower ones can "run" 6m. This seems incredibly slow.

Have I misunderstood something?

Well, it is slow for regular fliers, but daemonhosts aren't regular fliers. When they "fly" chances are, they're cackling maniacally as they menacingly hover toward you from the other end of the loooooong hall while the walls crack, scream, and bleed. It's just not the daemonhost's way to swoop in and out really fast like ;-)