Hurry Feat + Run action

By TeufelHund666, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

The Hurry Feat grants you an extra melee attack in a turn - can it be used during a run action (eg 2 moves) where the player normally isn't entitled to any attacks to begin with?

I would say yes, but the "extra" wording does imply you need to be making at least one attack in the first place to use the card (eg an Advance or Battle action).

I'd allow it. If the card didn't say "extra" (or something similar), people might think that if you were already entitled to an attack it wouldn't do anything.

Antistone said:

I'd allow it. If the card didn't say "extra" (or something similar), people might think that if you were already entitled to an attack it wouldn't do anything.

I'm having second thoughts, as the basic rules state that you cannot attack during a run action, which would seem to imply that Hurry could not be used with a run action.

The basic rules also said that you could not move during a battle action, until enough people complained that this contradicted the rules on spending fatigue. No surprise if the inverse case has similarly sloppy wording.

Also, keep in mind that the entire point of feat cards is that they override the normal rules--that feat card would clearly let you attack three times during a Battle action, despite the rules for Battling only allowing you to attack twice. Steelhorns and One Fist are both already capable of making attacks during a Run action, because the text of their special hero abilities trump the normal rules.

Finally, you are explicitly allowed to play a Feat card any time the triggering conditions are met (ToI rules page 5). I don't have the feat card in question in front of me, but I'm pretty sure the triggering condition is just "play at the start of your turn." Which would mean that you are unquestionably allowed to play it when you declare a Run action--any question is just over what effect it would have.