Protection from special items

By Ispher, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

We are playing our first RTL campaign. The game is thrilling, but we have a few rules uncertainties.

One question that pops up time and again is when and in which cases the protection granted from certain special items apply. The items in question are: Ghost Armor (use 1 fatigue to cancel 1 wound), Elven Cloak (roll 1 die for each wound you are about to suffer; each surge rolled cancels 1 wound), Skull Shield (cursed item; exhaust to cancel 2 wounds, even those ignoring armor).

Which (if any) of those three items can you use:

1) To cancel wounds from effect tokens such as bleed or burn placed on you;

2) To cancel wounds suffered from traps or from falling into pits;

3) To cancel wounds while you sleep;

4) To cancel wounds while you are a Monkey.

Common sense (that is, the OverLord demonio.gif ) could (and does!) argue that you cannot use them for 1, 3 or 4, but on the other hand, the heroes gran_risa.gif , because of the wording of the cards, could argue that the items are magical, and that with magic, everything (1, 2, 3, 4) is possible.


Gost Armor definitely works always. The shield doesn't make much sense, I think it's restricted to combat damage. Same goes for the elven cloak.

In such games, I would always rule after logic if something is unclear. It is not logical that you can use your shield against trap damage, but a magic armor spell - hell yeah.

Ghost Armor, the shop tunic (and its treasure variants), and the skull shield should be able to negate wounds in all of the circumstances except for 4. The only requirement is that the hero is on the receiving end of wounds. In the case of being transformed into a monkey you cannot use any items, thus the special effects of these treasures are unavailable.

Most shields carry the restriction that you can't block wounds that ignore armor, but the skull shield is specifically an exception to this rule. I think Lord Foul has it correct.

We are playing our first RTL campaign. The game is thrilling, but we have a few rules uncertainties.

One question that pops up time and again is when and in which cases the protection granted from certain special items apply. The items in question are: Ghost Armor (use 1 fatigue to cancel 1 wound), Elven Cloak (roll 1 die for each wound you are about to suffer; each surge rolled cancels 1 wound), Skull Shield (cursed item; exhaust to cancel 2 wounds, even those ignoring armor).

Which (if any) of those three items can you use:

1) To cancel wounds from effect tokens such as bleed or burn placed on you;

Ghost Armor, Elven Cloak, Skull Shield.

2) To cancel wounds suffered from traps or from falling into pits;

Ghost Armor, Elven Cloak, Skull Shield.

3) To cancel wounds while you sleep;

A sleeping figure cannot spend movement points or attack. In
addition, when attacked, a sleeping figure’s armor is ignored
(treated as 0). A figure that suffers at least 1 wound discards all
sleeping tokens. At the start of that figure’s turn, its owner may
roll a number of black power dice equal to the number of sleep
tokens on the figure. For each surge result rolled, he may remove
one sleep token.

ie Ghost Armor, Elven Cloak, Skull Shield.

4) To cancel wounds while you are a Monkey.

Monkeys cannot attack and cannot use any items,
including potions. A monkey can move up to 5 spaces
on the hero’s turn, but cannot take any movement
actions. A monkey has the hero’s wounds and fatigue,
but has a total armor value of 0.

ie. None

Something went wrong with the previous post... sorry

We are playing our first RTL campaign. The game is thrilling, but we have a few rules uncertainties.

One question that pops up time and again is when and in which cases the protection granted from certain special items apply. The items in question are: Ghost Armor (use 1 fatigue to cancel 1 wound), Elven Cloak (roll 1 die for each wound you are about to suffer; each surge rolled cancels 1 wound), Skull Shield (cursed item; exhaust to cancel 2 wounds, even those ignoring armor).

Which (if any) of those three items can you use:

1) To cancel wounds from effect tokens such as bleed or burn placed on you;

Ghost Armor, Elven Cloak, Skull Shield.

2) To cancel wounds suffered from traps or from falling into pits;

Ghost Armor, Elven Cloak, Skull Shield.

3) To cancel wounds while you sleep;

A sleeping figure cannot spend movement points or attack. In
addition, when attacked, a sleeping figure’s armor is ignored
(treated as 0). A figure that suffers at least 1 wound discards all
sleeping tokens. At the start of that figure’s turn, its owner may
roll a number of black power dice equal to the number of sleep
tokens on the figure. For each surge result rolled, he may remove
one sleep token.

ie Ghost Armor, Elven Cloak, Skull Shield.

4) To cancel wounds while you are a Monkey.

Monkeys cannot attack and cannot use any items,
including potions. A monkey can move up to 5 spaces
on the hero’s turn, but cannot take any movement
actions. A monkey has the hero’s wounds and fatigue,
but has a total armor value of 0.

ie. None

Thank you all very much, especially NoNamium because of the rules quotes, which seem rather clear.

1, 2, 3 and not 4 for all three items. It looks settled to me. cool.gif