We are playing our first RTL campaign. The game is thrilling, but we have a few rules uncertainties.
One question that pops up time and again is when and in which cases the protection granted from certain special items apply. The items in question are: Ghost Armor (use 1 fatigue to cancel 1 wound), Elven Cloak (roll 1 die for each wound you are about to suffer; each surge rolled cancels 1 wound), Skull Shield (cursed item; exhaust to cancel 2 wounds, even those ignoring armor).
Which (if any) of those three items can you use:
1) To cancel wounds from effect tokens such as bleed or burn placed on you;
2) To cancel wounds suffered from traps or from falling into pits;
3) To cancel wounds while you sleep;
4) To cancel wounds while you are a Monkey.
Common sense (that is, the OverLord ) could (and does!) argue that you cannot use them for 1, 3 or 4, but on the other hand, the heroes , because of the wording of the cards, could argue that the items are magical, and that with magic, everything (1, 2, 3, 4) is possible.