God Packs?!

By aryanufsnoob, in UFS General Discussion

Now Iknow that Holos are going to not be in sets, but I have a question. Will their still be God Packs, like rares and Ultra rares in one pack?

Just wondering so that people still know of these types of packs or not.

PS. I did not know where to put this, since it is not a Question about the UFS rules and is rather about UFS in general. Sorry if I put it in the wrong place.

We should start finding out in a day or two, as prereleases start happening

Let us know if there is any Not so God packs. We in Calgary were told that we would have to wait to next week for the re-lease event cause product is stuck in customs.

Not just calgary, but all of canada.

sir_shajir said:

Not just calgary, but all of canada.


I will try as we are having thePrerelease this saturday and I will answer tha if someone pulls one.(Hopefully me!)

I was just wondering if anybody else knew, but it seems that it will have to be looked into. Oh well.

There are god packs.

Yes, there are godpacks still.

From what I have heard, they will have the right to once again be called God Packs.

Now they contain more than one UR!

Ender Dragon said:

From what I have heard, they will have the right to once again be called God Packs.

Now they contain more than one UR!

Yeppers... the one I've seen had 4 URs in them.

Oh baby!

One side effect of no-foils is that it will be truly impossible to tell a GP from a regular pack, since the cards have exactly the same feel :D

Or so I would expect

Antigoth said:

sir_shajir said:

Not just calgary, but all of canada.


Also, it's not FFG's fault.

GraveLord said:

Ender Dragon said:

From what I have heard, they will have the right to once again be called God Packs.

Now they contain more than one UR!

Yeppers... the one I've seen had 4 URs in them.


Sweet, just like in the old days!! I loved pulling 3-5 URs in a god pack. First 4 packs of Street Fighter had a god pack. I ended up with a UR Dhalsim, Ken, and some other attacks I think. Made my day.

Apparently there are demi-god packs too. I opened one that had 1xUR, 1xR, 5xUC and 3xC. Keen.

Also "lame packs" the very next one was 9 commons and a Spinnig Demon. /:

That's been happening the past couple of sets, actually. Sometimes you get a pack with no rare at all, just nine cards.

Sometimes you get 2 rares, 2 Super Rares, or one of each, and eight other cards.

I've even gotten a pack of just uncommons =/

MegaGeese said:

That's been happening the past couple of sets, actually. Sometimes you get a pack with no rare at all, just nine cards.

Sometimes you get 2 rares, 2 Super Rares, or one of each, and eight other cards.

I've even gotten a pack of just uncommons =/

Depending on what uncommons you get, it may not be so bad considering the fact that nearly all boxes have about 2 copies average for any one uncommon.

GraveLord said:

MegaGeese said:

That's been happening the past couple of sets, actually. Sometimes you get a pack with no rare at all, just nine cards.

Sometimes you get 2 rares, 2 Super Rares, or one of each, and eight other cards.

I've even gotten a pack of just uncommons =/

Depending on what uncommons you get, it may not be so bad considering the fact that nearly all boxes have about 2 copies average for any one uncommon.

im hoping theres some legitimate design to this and its not just FFG screwing up because seriously, now isnt the time for that considering they are trying to get this game back where it belongs

for the draft i pulled a god pack it was mostly URs and maybe two rares, got kazuya and king were the rares got almost every bodies UR attack in it , reverse DDT cant remember the rest but I know I got alot URs out of it.

From my boxes I have bought and opened, Yes there are God packs, and so far each God pack has had 4 UR's and 6 R's. So over all not bad. I can also say for certain that they have upped the number of UR's in a box. by 3 box's I had pulled a least 1 copy of every card, which is a lot better than past sets.

On the other hand, I have noticed problems with cards having minor damage, mostly small dents in the cards, and a few bent cards in the packs. And then one box text on all the cards was smeared, which makes it really hard to read.


Umigame said:

From my boxes I have bought and opened, Yes there are God packs, and so far each God pack has had 4 UR's and 6 R's. So over all not bad. I can also say for certain that they have upped the number of UR's in a box. by 3 box's I had pulled a least 1 copy of every card, which is a lot better than past sets.

On the other hand, I have noticed problems with cards having minor damage, mostly small dents in the cards, and a few bent cards in the packs. And then one box text on all the cards was smeared, which makes it really hard to read.


yea most of my UCs and commons are all bent my hammer of the gods card was actually torn on the sides! and some of the cards texts mostly kings were darker than the rest.