What can stunned heroes do?

By Corbon, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Parathion said:

Back to topic, this was clarified by KW, found it in the ooold wiki:

"Stun (on heroes): what you can and cannot do while being stunned? Does stun prevent you from exchanging movement for movement actions, such as using glyph transport?"

A: Movement points are movement points. They can be used to move or they can be used for movement actions, doesn't matter. The two are pretty much always completely interchangeable. Stuff that prevents you from using movement actions (like being a monkey) will always explicitly say that it does so.

The phrasing used to hand out movement points is typically "may move a number of spaces up to or equal to X." This means exactly the same as "Receives X movement points." It does not have anything to do with being able to use movement actions or not.

So, to be really explicit on Stun, when you have 1+ stun token on your hero at the start of your turn, you:

1. Discard 1 stun token. (So if you have 3 stun tokens on you, you'll basically be stunned for 3 rounds).
2. Choose one of the following:
A. Gain X movement points, where X = your Speed. (You can gain more through other means, such as Ring of Quickness or fatigue).
B. Make 1 attack. (You get 0 movement points, but can gain more through other means).
C. Place 1 order. (You get 0 movement points, but can gain more through other means).

Note that because you cannot Advance, Battle, Ready, or Sprint when stunned, you do not gain any benefits from skills you have that trigger off of these actions (so, you would not gain fatigue from Battle Cry, since you cannot Battle, for example).

+1. I'll go with this.

Just to make it clear: The complete posting of mine was a quote from KW.

Big Remy said:

Parathion said:

Back to topic, this was clarified by KW, found it in the ooold wiki:

"Stun (on heroes): what you can and cannot do while being stunned? Does stun prevent you from exchanging movement for movement actions, such as using glyph transport?"

A: Movement points are movement points. They can be used to move or they can be used for movement actions, doesn't matter. The two are pretty much always completely interchangeable. Stuff that prevents you from using movement actions (like being a monkey) will always explicitly say that it does so.

The phrasing used to hand out movement points is typically "may move a number of spaces up to or equal to X." This means exactly the same as "Receives X movement points." It does not have anything to do with being able to use movement actions or not.

So, to be really explicit on Stun, when you have 1+ stun token on your hero at the start of your turn, you:

1. Discard 1 stun token. (So if you have 3 stun tokens on you, you'll basically be stunned for 3 rounds).
2. Choose one of the following:
A. Gain X movement points, where X = your Speed. (You can gain more through other means, such as Ring of Quickness or fatigue).
B. Make 1 attack. (You get 0 movement points, but can gain more through other means).
C. Place 1 order. (You get 0 movement points, but can gain more through other means).

Note that because you cannot Advance, Battle, Ready, or Sprint when stunned, you do not gain any benefits from skills you have that trigger off of these actions (so, you would not gain fatigue from Battle Cry, since you cannot Battle, for example).

+1. I'll go with this.

Me too. The discussion was going downhill in tone without going uphill in content.

Thanks Parathion.

I don't want to beat a dead horse; but I wanted to clear up the wording a few posters have used. They said a stunned hero can do a ready action; but that is erroneous, in each of the cases I am sure they 'meant' to say , a stunned hero can place an order..