Explorator questions.

By TheDarkeldar, in Rogue Trader

While trying out character generation for the various careers, in creating an Explorator I have no problems till I get to the end and the special abilities.

Are there any limitations on what the "two additional common-Craftmanship bionic implants" entails?

We are directed to the start of the Cybernetics section of the Armoury, starting on page 147, so does this mean we can pick two of any system listed?

Are we only allowed implants or bionic replacements?

If we have been "Judged and Found Wanting", can we instead use this to upgrade a common-Craftmanship implant to good, without spending experience?

Are Mechandrites not available as starting implants as they start at good-craftsmanship?

I'm still reading the rules, and I have quite a bit more to do character generation, before I delve deeper into the system.

My interpretation on both "Judged and Found Wanting" and "Explorator Implants" is that the Cybernetics section is not available--only those systems which replace a basic function of the body are valid. Legs, arms, and respiratory bionics are green lighted in my game, and I may allow Cybernetic Senses. My inclination is to use the yardstick of whether or not a common quality system provides a mechanical benefit.

You need the appropriate mechandrite use talent in order to take a mechandrite. The only way a starting Explorator can take a mechandrite as one of his or her bionics is if he or she spends all 500 exp on the starting mechandrite use (utility) talent.

However, my Explorator really wanted the industrial strength utility mechandrite, so I let him trade in the second bionic for the talent to use the first.

RocketPropelledGrenade said:

My interpretation on both "Judged and Found Wanting" and "Explorator Implants" is that the Cybernetics section is not availableonly those systems which replace a basic function of the body are valid. Legs, arms, and respiratory bionics are green lighted in my game, and I may allow Cybernetic Senses. My inclination is to use the yardstick of whether or not a common quality system provides a mechanical benefit.

My problem with this is that both sections specifically reference implants which is the heading for the non-replacement items.

"judged and found wanting" has its own problem in that the component is poor quality and "explorator implants" is the special abillity for a tech priest

As for the mechandrite issue I would probably rule that if a tech-priest spends the xp for a mechandrite he has the contacts to get it fitted in the first down-time available including the pre-game down time. Or did you mean the manipulator mechandrite which should be its own talent but appears to be missing from the list