Replacement Cards?

By Aeslabelle, in Fantasy Flight Supply

I apologize if this has been asked before, but is it possible to purchase replacement cards for a game?

I traveled across states with my World of Warcraft Board game and during the move the box received some water damage, causing a lot of my cards to stick together. I would like to purchase a new deck of just the cards if that's possible?

If it is a possibility, can someone point me in the direction I would need to go to order them?

Thanks a bunch!


The person you need to get in contact with is Thaadd in our replacemnt parts dept. She can be reached at Make sure to include your name, address, and the exact parts you need to get replaced.

Thanks for your support,

Wonderful! Thank you for your detailed and fast response. I will send her an email now. Very much appreciated!

For everything, FFG (in the person of Thaadd) has the best replacement and customer service department in the industry. No questions asked; if it can be replaced, Thaadd will do it. (Of course, if you said you'd lost the whole game and wanted a new copy, that might be a different kettle of fish...!)