"These" bans being the lastest two batches,
- Chester's
- Olcadan's
- Lord of the Makai
- Chun Li
- Forethought
- Rejection
- Bitter Rivals
- Fei Long's Forward Kick
- Juni's Spiral Arrow
- (I feel like I'm forgetting one here)
- "Feline Spike"
- "Tiger Fury"
These were all done in the interest of the block 3 metagame, no? And with all of them rotated out of Standard anyway, I figure an examination in terms of Legacy is warranted.
Chester's seems like just another one of the guys, and gets graped by The Curse Broken just like the rest. Maybe it's a little too good... but worse comes to worse, Bringing the Master to His Knees -> Infiltrating takes care of any problems :b
lolcodan's I dunno. Deals with Emptiness, or just makes Void mirrors funny. I don't think it would be TOO unhealthy for the meta to have it back -- after all, there's already Lost Memories, Impetuous, Start Over and Infiltrating.
LotM again I'm unsure. Whereabouts Unknown is even more powerful momentum generation, Hero of Southtown is usually better recursion (except when Spinta is involved)... but neither has a 6, nor 4 symbols, nor a +1M block
Chun Li definitely needs to stay out. Leaping Commando Kick.
Forethought, in Legacy, is not uniquely powerful. Dark Hado and Vega's Mask blow it out of the water, Psycho Power matches it (although with a momentum cost instead of 2 foundations, and 5 diff). Does it make hard locks too easy? Perhaps
Rejection can stay gone too; ditto Juni's Spiral Arrow. They just make control too easy.
FLFK hardly seems degenerate when Tira's Reverse Waterfall can't be blocked, Ukyo can T1 nuke your hand and your life total, Ibuki blows your board, Adon throws 30 dmg 8th Bills, lalalalala...
Tiger Fury should be allowed back in for sure (if you're going to play a hard lock, it's more efficient to use a card that does something a la Shadow Banishment; if you're not hard locking, you're going to be playing a deck too fast for Tiger Fury to work for you. Right? ).
Feline Spike, I'm leaning towards "leave it banned" -- Kunai/Power Up -> Spike just seems too easy, even with Absurd to put it in check. Unlike Tiger Fury, you could throw this in anything -- imagine playing against Tycho, winning the roll and going first, and he drops a Power Up, some Emptiness and general Void control nastiness. You play a beefy move to try to put him in the danger zone, he Tychoblocks, then puts a Feline Spike down.
Please feel free to discuss any/all of them, suggest other cards that should be banned (hopefully with some playtesting for evidence?), share your thoughts on the legacy metagame, get derailed into a multi-page rulings argument, or whatever