So here's an idea, the germinate for which was buried, and probably lost, in one of the other threads.
Make a new set, but make it mostly reprints. A few new cards as well.
James Hata could pick 5 or 10 dozen cards from ALL of the sets that were well balanced, and which would work well in the 5-star meta. Maybe even a few that just needed functional errata to work okay in the current meta. Maybe even reprints of some of the rares/ultras as uncommons. A few dozen new cards (maybe a little support for Dariya, Padma, Cassandra, etc) as rares/ultra rares.
And there you have a set that can make just about everyone happy.
People who've been in the game for ages and have tons of cards, suddenly will have to go sorting through their collection pulling out all the cards which are suddenly "legal" again. New players will be able to get access to some of the old great cards without having to buy stuff that's completely cycled. It would also make moving old product easier for LGSs and would make Legacy more exciting.
I'm pretty sure that WotC hasn't (and in fact couldn't) patent the idea of "core sets" . FFG could adapt something similar, with appropriate changes for UFS and it could benefit the game and the players.
I'd write more about this idea, but the painkillers are starting to kick in and I might fall over at any moment.