Alright Scouts. Right now we need you the most. I have been talking with alot of you on aim, by e-mail, and on the forums about this new series of tournaments for UFS. For all of you who are willing to help make NewFS the top card game ever, here is our plan to make our first year of tournaments great!
If you are a scout, or if you are a fan of UFS and want to help push it to the top, here is what you can do to help:
If we can get one prize from each of our scouts or volunteers, a fighting video game, a sealed box of cards, a consel, Promo cards,Prints, Play Mats, Shirts, or anything else that you are willing to give. We can pool our prizes together for our players in order to offer them the best prize support they have ever received. I will be supplying a Plane Ticket to GenCon for the winner based on event entry fees. To keep this on neutral grounds, e-mail me if you are interested in helping at [email protected] (Jason). I will talk to Steve about setting up an address with FFG for our scouts to ship their prizes to. They will then be evenly distributed to each of the 4 tournaments as extra prize support. If you have any good ideas at all to donate to our players please either post here or send me a message.
We are also working on getting sponsorship from local mega stores such as Game Stop, Walmart, Block Buster, Best Buy, Hastings, Toys R Us etc. to see if they are willing to advertise for free at our events, in exchange for prizes. Scouts, if you have the time and want to help, please contact your local stores and businesses and see if they are willing to sponsor a video game related event.
Original Message:
After going to GenCon and experiencing people quiting UFS (a great card game) to play Naruto/DBZ (terrible card games) soly because of better prize support, I have decided to do something about it, as long as FFG agrees with my intentions. We ran a pretty successful Regional here in Lubbock Texas this summer and dished out over $3,000 to make sure people had a good time. I am very passionate about keeping this game going and even making it stronger and more popular then it has ever been. So I want to get feed back from you players. What do you think of me volunteering my time and money to host a UFS pro qualifying tournament cuircut?
It will go a little something like this:
We will start by having 4 tournaments every year beginning after Worlds and continueing until the next Worlds. These tournaments will hopefully be in 4 equaly accessible cities so that everyone can make a tournament. I plan on changing the cities every year, unless we find one that is perfect for everyone. (I still think we should do regional tournaments as well).
Now Prize support- I don't know what FFG can supply for this, hopefully they will be onboard since I am pretty much advertizing UFS at no or minimal cost to them. Otherwise here is what I want to offer you players:
First Place at any of the qualifiers- A Plane ticket to the next GenCon and if FFG agrees a buy in round 1 of singles. If UK or Canada has any scouts that are willing to run a big event like this, I will work with you to incorperate it as part of the same cuircut.
In addition I will work on getting PS3's, Lap Tops, Promo Cards, Art Prints, Shirts, Rings, and anything else I can manage for you guys. Boxes of cards are also a must. Let me know if there is anything (reasonable) that you might want me to supply.
For top 8 I will try to get similar awesome prizes (if we get good enough show outs, we might even be able to award top 16!).
Now to make this happen, and to get UFS at a real competetive level, I am going to need help from all of the scouts out there, as well as you players. If you could post here approximately how many players you have in your area and which area you are from, we should be able to get our first 4 cities pin pointed. Also we need dates that conflict as little as possible with everyones schedules to host these events. Scouts, what I need you to do is, if we have an event in your area, please volunteer your time at the event to help get things going. Also If you live neer a college, I highly recomend that you do at least some of your monthly events on the campus in a heavy foot trafic area. Do demo games there and give out cards, characters, demo decks and what ever else you can think of. I will be hosting Free tournaments at Texas Tech once or twice a month and all of those 4 shuriken cards I don't really need any more are going to be used to get new players into the game.
This is my plan, please post your thoughts and comments so we can make this happen. I brought this up to James and Steve at GenCon but they were busy of course with many other things, so hopefully now, they can take the time and look at what I am trying to do. I do not think we will be able to do an event until 2010 just because it will take alot of organizing, but you never know.
Also, please contact me if you have any other ideas at [email protected] or call me at 806-252-3404. I'm Jason with Jasco Games.