RTL-toi and aod best party

By oren2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

hello everyone,

in a couple of days i'll get RTL+AOD+TOI.

since my group is already femilier with WOD heroes we wanted to use the heroes from TOI+AOD.

i know that you suppose to draw 4 heroes randomly and choose 1, but i think we won't be able to do that. the group will eagerly want to try the new heroes.

so, my question is: which heroes from AOD+TOI are best to play the RTL campaign. i dont me mean the most powerful heroes but the most blanced as a team for the campaign.

Well you'll surely want Tahlia as a tank. And without going back and poring over the stats, I'd strongly consider Okaluk for a runner. Zyla as a backup. Karnon would be a pretty heavy-hitter, at least early on. Shiver for magic.

I can really recommend Shiver. He's deadly on Copper because he can seal off 2-space-wide-tunnels with his Aura. There are some monster that don't don't even survive that.

Don't forget Kirga... she's ranged right?

Stefan said:

I can really recommend Shiver. He's deadly on Copper because he can seal off 2-space-wide-tunnels with his Aura. There are some monster that don't don't even survive that.

While Shiver is really useful until there is a monster upgrade he is very weak once there is, particularly against humanoid favouring Avatars. The ranged/magic monsters can stand off and the humanoids can take the damage once upgraded. He then becomes a 12/0 for 3 CT, easy to kill and expensive.

Corbon said:

Stefan said:

I can really recommend Shiver. He's deadly on Copper because he can seal off 2-space-wide-tunnels with his Aura. There are some monster that don't don't even survive that.

While Shiver is really useful until there is a monster upgrade he is very weak once there is, particularly against humanoid favouring Avatars. The ranged/magic monsters can stand off and the humanoids can take the damage once upgraded. He then becomes a 12/0 for 3 CT, easy to kill and expensive.

quoted for truth.

Shiver is pretty weak late game. Of course, if the rest of the heroes get off to a good enough start because of him, the late game is pretty well in favor of the heroes anyway...

We are using Zyla in your campaign right now, and having a flying hero who can actually pick up everything is so amazing. Tahlia is also a great hero, probably the best next to Nanok. So if you already have those two in your party, the OL will have a REALLY hard time.