At best maybe we can handicap the War of the Ring start based on how Sauron performed in MEQ? Just a silly idea but maybe we (you guys!!!) can come up with something?
At best maybe we can handicap the War of the Ring start based on how Sauron performed in MEQ? Just a silly idea but maybe we (you guys!!!) can come up with something?
I have been thinking about it, but haven't come up with anything meaningful. Combining MEQ, War of the Ring and/or Lord of the Rings sounds fun though. There is of course the other side to it, what if Sauron absolutely molests the Heroes in MEQ, he already has an advantage in WotR (at least if you only use the base game). Giving him more of a boost doesn't necessarily make things more interesting, as Sauron could very well dominate even more.
Hey, guys. Somebody did thison BGG:
And i don't think this would be an "epic gaming night'. More like an "epic gaming weekend".
That sounds too long.... but fun.