Quest 7(soulbiter) complete OL victory and undying ability

By Moneseki, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

1:) Yesterday we tried quest 7 again, for a total of five times. Total victory for the OL again. Not sure if we are doing something wrong. I`m pretty sure we follow all rules. Soulbiter switches from melee to ranged on first encounter marker. 4 heroes versus OL. The heroes normally get one or two deaths(costing them 2-5 conquest token) before entering area 3(they normally goto area 1, then area 6 for the yellow key then area 3). Due to Astarra heroes always opens the glyphs in area 1+6 with ease, giving them the 6 CT. During area 3 heroes normally suffer 2-4 deaths, mostly because I as OL have no problems spawning there. With the copper treasure items they normally need 2 successful hits to kill my mobs. Nonetheless I have no problems ganking them(smiling happily now), and when they die, they have a very long run before they get back into area 3(astarra is a primary target to avoid her for opening the glyph in area 3). Result is the same all five times, heroes running out of CT in area 3. Even though I think it`s fun to win, I would like to see the heroes with a decent chance of victory. Heroes are good to prevent spawn from strategic positions, but sooner or later there will be some spots I can summon my evil beastmen or skellies to take away rest and guard orders. I read from the forum some other groups decided to move on after 4 attempts her, we`ve decided to move on as well. Still wondering if anyone got some hints/advice of how to break this. The most succeful attempt they had was when they decided to rather take the soulbiter damage now and then instead of rushing forward to avoid that damage. Any hints are welcome, even though we move on. (we have no expansions, might turn out to be easier at a later time with different hero/skill options?)

2:) Undying. Loved by OL and hated by players. I`m pretty sure about the answer even before I`ve asked the question, yet I ask nonetheless: are there any limits on how many times an undying ability can be used? A master sorcerer removed his last wound token 6 times, and was lucky to roll a surge every time. Players are wondering if any other groups have experienced more undying-surge-rolls, or if this is the unofficial record......(before this 3 was the record in our group).

In advance thanks(and I`m looking forward to getting expansions just bought from FFG-shop).

misprint: clue token instead of "encounter marker "

Moneseki said:

1:) Yesterday we tried quest 7 again, for a total of five times. Total victory for the OL again. Not sure if we are doing something wrong. I`m pretty sure we follow all rules. Soulbiter switches from melee to ranged on first encounter marker. 4 heroes versus OL. The heroes normally get one or two deaths(costing them 2-5 conquest token) before entering area 3(they normally goto area 1, then area 6 for the yellow key then area 3). Due to Astarra heroes always opens the glyphs in area 1+6 with ease, giving them the 6 CT. During area 3 heroes normally suffer 2-4 deaths, mostly because I as OL have no problems spawning there. With the copper treasure items they normally need 2 successful hits to kill my mobs. Nonetheless I have no problems ganking them(smiling happily now), and when they die, they have a very long run before they get back into area 3(astarra is a primary target to avoid her for opening the glyph in area 3). Result is the same all five times, heroes running out of CT in area 3. Even though I think it`s fun to win, I would like to see the heroes with a decent chance of victory. Heroes are good to prevent spawn from strategic positions, but sooner or later there will be some spots I can summon my evil beastmen or skellies to take away rest and guard orders. I read from the forum some other groups decided to move on after 4 attempts her, we`ve decided to move on as well. Still wondering if anyone got some hints/advice of how to break this. The most succeful attempt they had was when they decided to rather take the soulbiter damage now and then instead of rushing forward to avoid that damage. Any hints are welcome, even though we move on. (we have no expansions, might turn out to be easier at a later time with different hero/skill options?)

2:) Undying. Loved by OL and hated by players. I`m pretty sure about the answer even before I`ve asked the question, yet I ask nonetheless: are there any limits on how many times an undying ability can be used? A master sorcerer removed his last wound token 6 times, and was lucky to roll a surge every time. Players are wondering if any other groups have experienced more undying-surge-rolls, or if this is the unofficial record......(before this 3 was the record in our group).

In advance thanks(and I`m looking forward to getting expansions just bought from FFG-shop).

I seem to recall a group that had 7 failures on this quest before beating it - and they won every other quest first time, so they weren't gumbies. We did it on our 4th attempt.

Sharl Brightwing was the critical factor in our success. An overpowered familiar from one of the expansions that can heal 2 damage per turn from a hero she flies to. That and an outstandingly clever and lucky (mostly lucky) plan to kill the boss from an impossible situation in a single round.

IIRC, a grappling tank also used a 90 degree Blood Ape (exceptionally tough 2 space monster from expansion) and a rubble space to completely block the rear passageway as well, cutting off many monsters, who were unable to do anything at all. As long as the tank stayed in place and did not kill the ape, only the ape could attack him, and could not do enough damage to get through armour + shields.

Undying? Our record is 4 or 5 comebacks for a Silver level RtL boss Ogre in an encounter during Bronze level. The beastie had something like 27 wounds and 7 Armour and kept coming back! Turned a walk in the park into a 3 hero kill (the runner, who couldn't possibly get through his armour without using potions/fatigue, fled early).
I've heard of 8 before I think?

Current record for Undying for my group is 9 times with a Copper level Master Ogre in RtL. It was the level boss from RtL Level #25: The Champion.

Big Remy said:

Current record for Undying for my group is 9 times with a Copper level Master Ogre in RtL. It was the level boss from RtL Level #25: The Champion.

Hmm.... that ties my record of consecutive X's rolled by my hero in a single session. gran_risa.gif

Lucky for me, it wasn't the Soulbiter quest

Oboewan said:

Big Remy said:

Current record for Undying for my group is 9 times with a Copper level Master Ogre in RtL. It was the level boss from RtL Level #25: The Champion.

Hmm.... that ties my record of consecutive X's rolled by my hero in a single session. gran_risa.gif

Lucky for me, it wasn't the Soulbiter quest

Our record for that is 14 times in a row on the melee dice.

Here's a random thought, could a grappled ape still leap, if his landing spaces are legal?

Moving a number of spaces equal to twice it's remaining movement points isn't quite the same as spending a movement point to move to an adjacent space (the definition of moving normally).

EDIT: clarification

Big Remy said:

Oboewan said:

Big Remy said:

Current record for Undying for my group is 9 times with a Copper level Master Ogre in RtL. It was the level boss from RtL Level #25: The Champion.

Hmm.... that ties my record of consecutive X's rolled by my hero in a single session. gran_risa.gif

Lucky for me, it wasn't the Soulbiter quest

Our record for that is 14 times in a row on the melee dice.

Our record is additionally on the melle die as well. I know someone said it was weighted poorly before, and it certainly seems like it to us.

snacknuts said:

Here's a random thought, could a grappled ape still leap, if his landing spaces are legal?

FAQ, page 8:

Q: If a Blood Ape makes a Leap without making a Leap attack, do his remaining movement points still get used?

A: Yes, a Leap uses all remaining movement points. As Leap uses movement points, this does allow a figure with Grapple to pin it in place. A figure may not be grappled mid-leap however, it may only be grappled on the ground.