card question?

By kingsoyboy, in 2. AGoT Rules Discussion

In the Lannister deck, the card "Sunset Sea" says reduce cost of the next Lannister or Greyjoy character you play this phase. My question is, Where in the deck is there a character card with the Greyjoy symbol on it???

kingsoyboy said:

In the Lannister deck, the card "Sunset Sea" says reduce cost of the next Lannister or Greyjoy character you play this phase. My question is, Where in the deck is there a character card with the Greyjoy symbol on it???

There are no characters in the Core Set with a Greyjoy House affiliation for Sunset Sea. Similarly, there are no characters with the Martell House affiliation for the Summer Sea in the Targaryen deck. However, there are Greyjoy and Martell characters in the Chapter Pack supplements for the Core Set, so these locations could help if you decide to expand the Core Set decks with them.

There isn't one, but there are some in the chapter packs.

Sunset sea is a reprint of a card from Iron Throne Edition, when Greyjoy was a viable house (we are still waiting to see if GJ is going to be a viable house in the the LCG format). This card is a dual house card which gives two houses access to it and also makes playing Out of house characters (in the opposite house on the card) easier if you wanted to.