The "What movie is currently playing?" Thread

By Hawknight, in Odds & Ends

We all do it, stick in a movie while gaming, or working online, soooo, what is it?


Doctor Zhivago - Sad, a little slow, sad, good insight into Russian revolution, sad...and sprinkled with a touch of depressing.

Twilight - go to watch it if you have a sixteen year old girlfriend...and you want to be bored to tears. It'll make her happy for a couple hours.

I'd dump my girlfriend on the spot if she wanted to see that mindless garbage

Xmen 3 ~ It's just on in the background while I write an essay. It's ok, I enjoyed it.

I'm not watching a movie right now but earlier I was watching Christmas is Crazy or something like that.

RENT- I love that movie.

Fast and Furious 4 - a good movie but i think they could have done better i give it a 3.5/5