New Player, First Deck--please help!

By Twn2dn, in Call of Cthulhu Deck Construction

I just played my first game with a friend using the Core Set, and we had a lot of fun. Afterward, I thought I would build a deck using the deckbuilder software available on these threads. (Thanks for the great software!)

The following deck runs only LCG cards. Tthat is the current "standard" format, right?) The build is heavy character control (-X skill, with a couple other forms of removal) and hopes to win in a longer game. I would like to add draw, but the current LCG cardpool looks pretty limited as far as that goes. I haven't played the deck yet, but any suggestions people have would be great.

33 characters, 6 events, 11 support (Hastur and Syndicate)

1x AAH F7 •Richard Finchington III, Exotic Collector
3x CS F65 Clover Club Bouncer
3x CS F66 Clover Club Torch Singer
3x CS F70 Patsy
3x AAH F12 Aspiring Artist
3x AAH F14 Bringer of Fire
2x CS F81 •Hastur, The King in Yellow
2x CS F82 •Victoria Glasser, The Society Hostess
3x CS F84 Demon Lover
3x CS F87 Performance Artist
2x AHS F31 Wandering Inmate
2x AAD F50 •Long-Dead Prince, Ancient Royalty
3x ATT F75 Descendant of Eibon, Master of the Black Arts
3x ATS F86 Tear Gas
3x CS F144 Political Demonstration
2x CS F73 Dutch Courage
2x CS F93 Victoria's Loft
1x AAD F51 •Infernal Obsession
3x CS F153 Gentleman's Club
3x ATS F98 Parallel Universe

By the way, a couple of newbie questions:

  1. What is a typical character/event/support distribution for a deck. (I know this likely varies based on the build, but I'm looking to get a general idea, so any advice helps.)
  2. How many turns does a typical game go? Or, perhaps more importantly, how many resources/domains is my opponent likely to have by the end of a typical game?
  3. Do many people play with the "conspiracy" cards? What about the Day/Night mechanic?


the inmate and the loft don´t work well together, so i´d stick with one of them and use 3 copies (i really like the loft, but the inmate allows you some nice bouncing by takting victoria back to your hand if you get her insane and "reuse" her). also, keep in mind that shubb will love to take stuff like hungry dark young back to their hand...

That makes sense--oversight on my part :P Thanks for the suggestion!