Searching forums and time spent each session

By Moneseki, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Question 1: Is it possible to search only the Descent forum, and not all forums when searching? Getting loads of posts from other forums I`m not interested in when I am searching.....(just me being n00b hopefully).

Question 2: Gametime is predicted to take 2-4 hours + 30 mins setup. We tend to spend 5-8 hours(unless the OL gets an early victory). Are we slowpokers or is it normal?

1. The search feature on this forum is abysmal, don't bother.

2. This game can take a very long time, depending on the quest, and how much your heroes deliberate over every little thing. It used to bother me that we never finished quests, but then I just got over it and decided that it really didn't matter. Just have fun playing, finish or not.

Veinman said:

1. The search feature on this forum is abysmal, don't bother.

2. This game can take a very long time, depending on the quest, and how much your heroes deliberate over every little thing. It used to bother me that we never finished quests, but then I just got over it and decided that it really didn't matter. Just have fun playing, finish or not.


The time spent on a Descent quest is actually mostly based on the players, generally the heroes, and generally concerning their making decisions on "what to do" on their turn. A hero basically moves, attacks, and rolls the dice (with some variations of course). Players tend to "overthink", linger over the exact square to move to, agonize over LOS, take back their entire move schema and do something else instead, and so on and so forth.

If length of game is becoming a negative factor, all parties involved need to come to decision regarding the length of each players turn. Set an arbitrary time limit for - say around 5 minutes per player- and when you've hit that, flip a 30 second sand timer. I believe the game is meant to be fast paced and try to encourage my players to make decisions quickly- it's better for everyone involved imho.

You guys are lucky. I've been Overlord for 20+ games. I play with about the same group every time. Our games go from 7-17 hours. Seven hours was the shortest session and seventeen was the longest.

I've wondered what the difference was. I think my players act as a committee for each character. They'll tell each other what to do, how to do it, and discuss back and forth. As Overlord I'm pretty quick. Sometimes I just look at my cards and say, "Done." Then they begin.

I'd love to play with another group and see how they do it.

I would stab myself in the eye with a lava beetle if the game went 17 hours...

ddavidc said:

I would stab myself in the eye with a lava beetle if the game went 17 hours...

I'm too squeamish to poke myself in the eye, but that would certainly have been my last game of Descent.