All known single player FF board games

By Adamquest64, in Legacy Game Discussion

Since this forum is under the "general" heading, I thought it best to place my question here. Sorry if its in the wrong area, or if the subject is already posted elsewhere.

Arkham Horror is great with one player, almost seeming as though it were meant to be played this way. I would like any information about other one-player board games from FF that are still in production. I will most likely buy some if I am informed of any, since I don't know anyone that really likes board games like me. Can anyone give me some direction? I would be most thankful for any suggestions.

Lord of the Rings works solo in the same manner as Arkham, you play 2-5 Hobbits yourself (I normally use 2-3, 4 hobbits makes things too easy IMO). Like Arkham, it's expandable, oh wait, it's FFG, what am I saying gran_risa.gif . Whether or not Knizia name means anything to you could make a difference. I'm a Middle-Earth nut, so I like it.

Got it. I believe you have helped me with questions elsewhere on the forums as well, Dam. Thanks for being so helpful.

I will look into LotR. I'm a fan of the movies, but not a total freak. I believe my gf is though. Maybe if I buy the game I can play solo games and maybe even interest her in joining me for a few games without bribing her by agreeing to play scrabble (snore).

And no, that word you said does't mean anything to me. I've never heard it.

Actually, I've found that WoW:tAG can be played solo with a little tweaking. There are now official FFG solo rules for Battlestar: Galactica, though I haven't tried them yet. As I often don't have an opponent, I end up playing a lot of FFG games solitaire. It can be done, even if it requires some finagling. Tannhauser is fun solo, as is Dust. I just got MEQ and will be playing that solo soon.

Reiner Knizia is a game designer. People tend to either love his work or hate it.

As to the other forum sections, if a game is listed in my Collection, I'm active in that game's forums.

David Spangler: I have MEQ, it works nicely solo as well. Combat is pretty much the only thing you have to think about, but usually you can play the cards for the Hero and the monster/minion as you would if you didn't know what the other has in their hand. Strength and exhaustion rules IMO help in this matter, especially for the monsters, who have sometimes piss-poor Strength, you just play the cheap ones.

This post is real old...but in case anyone else is looking for solo play FFG games, RUNEBOUND was designed for single player. It isn't ideal for solo play since there seems no time pressure to get ahead. However, someone at BGG made solo variant rules based on aspects of the Midnight expansion that give the soplo player that little push needed to move the game along.

SOLO Variant Rules

Good luck with persuading your GF to play as well - this is the key I think - getting your other half to play a game that suits her - my wife simply loves silly card games, and she can be uber competitive, so Citadels works well, as has Kingsburg in the past, which are both highly addictive and easily re-playable games - Wings of War has also worked well whenever we have had non-gamer mates over, because of the mechanics involved in moving the planes and the ease of playing it.

I know what it can be like having to play solo for long periods of time, so all credit to you that the console hasn't simply come out instead!

Red November. A co-op game, so it's works well. I play with 3-4 gnomes.

i am feeling strongly for updating this post

I've played WoW: TBG solo before.

Like bragi said, Runebound is definitely playable one-player. It's the main FF game I've played single player. Though reading through this, I may need to look into the BSG single player rules.

i have death angel space hulk a good single player game in the silverline/stand alone card game section. Also gears of was which comes out next month is going to be solo co-op

Elder Signs & Elder Signs: Omens (For android or iOS) – Frankly all Arkham Horror based games can be played Solo.
Rune Age - has 2 scenarios that can be setup for solitaire game play.
RuneBound – someone added info at about this one.
Gears of War
Space Hulk Death Angel
World of Warcraft & expansion
Starwars LCG (will have a solo gameplay)

dudes... let the old post stay dead there were references to WoW games in there lol. which i need answering to.