This is an update! the original message will be located under the line.
In this thread, please discuss what you think I can do for you to make UFS a better game. I am working on printing UFS Pro Tour promo cards that will be given out at each event. I will be covering the costs of these my self, which means every participant will get a player set for entering in the events. This is not final yet, but FFG would be crazy not to let me cover their costs on promos. Secondly I have been thinking of ways to revive legacy and make your old cards worth more than trash. Here are my ideas and please tell me which ones you like and which ones you don't like:
I want to review all legacy cards and have a massive reprint of all cards that are not too powerful and not too terrible. They would be released in sets by license aka. Street Fighter would have all SF cards re-released in one box, and the same would go for all other sets. This would mean you can use your old cards, or buy the new cards which may have new artwork, and better wording or errata. These cards would be Legacy legal for ever, so FFG should not lose money in the long run, because these cards will always be tournament legal.
If option one does not work, what about keeping the review of all old cards and get rid of over powered or under powered cards and cards with poor wording, and supply a free PDF of all of the newly modified or reviewed Legacy cards to be in a printable format. These cards would be legal even as proxies, but would have to be played in a sleve with a UFS card to back it. this is another optioin for Legacy, but I really prefer option one.
Option three is, you think of something better and let me know. I am open to better ideas and all opinions.
Alright everybody,
After going to GenCon and experiencing people quiting UFS (a great card game) to play Naruto/DBZ (terrible card games) soly because of better prize support, I have decided to do something about it. We ran a pretty successful Regional here in Lubbock Texas this summer and dished out over $3,000 to make sure people had a good time. I am very passionate about keeping this game going and even making it stronger and more popular then it has ever been.
Now to get UFS at a real competetive level, I am going to need help from all of the scouts out there, as well as you players. If you could send me approximately how many players you have in your area and which area you are from, we should be able to get our event cities pin pointed. Also we need dates that conflict as little as possible with everyones schedules to host these events. Scouts, what I need you to do is, if we have an event in your area, please volunteer your time at the event to help get things going. Also If you live neer a college, I highly recomend that you do at least some of your monthly events on the campus in a heavy foot trafic area. Do demo games there and give out cards, characters, demo decks and what ever else you can think of. I will be hosting Free tournaments at Texas Tech once or twice a month and all of those 4 shuriken cards I don't really need any more are going to be used to get new players into the game.
This is my plan, please send your thoughts and comments so we can make this happen.
Also, please contact me if you have any other ideas at [email protected] or call me at 806-252-3404.