RtL treasure question

By Interceptor2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

So, when you find a treasure chest in RtL, you roll four black dice to see what is in them. Do these dice represent rolling one dice for each hero? If so, I interpret this as meaning: if you roll coins (such as 100 coins), then 100 coins are added to the treasury. If you roll coins plus a potion, then you get 50-coins and a potion that is given to one of the heroes of your choice. As to rolling a treasure, do you pick just one treasure and give it to the hero of your choice, or do you pick four treasures like in Vanilla Descent? Am I playing this right?

When finding a chest in RTL you get a single treasure for each blank rolled. Not one for each party member. Likewise, if you roll 100 coins, that's 100 coins for the party as a whole, not for each hero. If you roll no blanks (no treasure) then the party gets one CT.

Interceptor said:

So, when you find a treasure chest in RtL, you roll four black dice to see what is in them. Do these dice represent rolling one dice for each hero? If so, I interpret this as meaning: if you roll coins (such as 100 coins), then 100 coins are added to the treasury. If you roll coins plus a potion, then you get 50-coins and a potion that is given to one of the heroes of your choice. As to rolling a treasure, do you pick just one treasure and give it to the hero of your choice, or do you pick four treasures like in Vanilla Descent? Am I playing this right?

Treaure is just like the potions... each blank you get 1 treausre "that is given to one of the heroes of your choice"

Thanks for the input. I was actually playing it right...in my current campaign the Spider Queen is looming large and in charge, so I was looking to give my heroes any break they could get.

Interceptor said:

Thanks for the input. I was actually playing it right...in my current campaign the Spider Queen is looming large and in charge, so I was looking to give my heroes any break they could get.

NEVER go easy on the heroes..... they NEVER go easy on the OL gran_risa.gif